Attica | altar with fire protection | altar: monolithic block | altar | Achilleus 473 | Achilleus | Andromache I
Persephone (S) 135 | Paris | phiale | phiale mesomphalos | patera | Persephone | Peleus 174 | Peleus | pallium (outer garment | Patroklos | Phoinix II
SMID952 | sceptre | SMID15154 | Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek | SMID30735 | sword | shield | spear | stick | seat | sedes | sedile
Triptolemos 79 | terracotta | Triptolemos Painter | torch | track (trace?) of blood | Triptolemos | Thetis 10 | Triton 29ad | Thetis | tree