Akrathe 5 | Athena/Menerva 235ad | Austria | AM 123 | Akrathe | Athena/Menerva | Achle 63 | Apollon/Aplu 2 | Achilleus/Achle | Apollon/Aplu | Aias I 14 | Attica | Aias I | altar | agon | Achilleus | Agamemnon | Aias II | Aineias | Andromache I | Apollon/Apollo | Astyanax I | Athena | Amazones 271 | Amazon | Amazones | Achilleus 726 | Amazones 176 | amphora | Amazones 87 | Amazones 760 | Atlas 8 | apple | arrow | Atlas | Amazones Etruscae 9 | A panse | Athens | Amazones 714a | Ares 37 | Alexandros 71 | Alexandros | Astyanax I 936p | altar: volute altar | Amazones 561 | archer | Achilleus 278 | Athena Painter | Amphiaraos 75 | Amphiaraos | Amazones 717 | Amazones 739 | Achilleus 342 | Aias I 78 | architecture | Abderos 2 | Antikensammlung | Abderos | Amazones 86a | Amazones 488 | Antakya | Antiocheia on the Orontes | Antiochia ad Orontem | Amazones 573 | Apamea | Apamée | Amazones 574 | animal | Amazones Etruscae 5 | antefix | Amazones Etruscae 6 | Amazones Etruscae 7 | Achle 15 | Achle 16 | A+B | Andromache I 17 | Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig | Aigis (S) 13 | Aion 18a | Apollon/Apollo 500 | Armenia 14 | Askanios 26 | Apotheose 358b | aegis | Aigis | Aion | Armenia | Askanios | Augustus | Agamemnon 74 | Athena 573 | Andromache I 10 | Andromache I 11 | Achilleus 589 | Automedon 11 | Automedon | Achilleus 323 | Amazones 591 | Amazones Etruscae 8 | acroterium | Amazones Etruscae 33 | axe | Atalante Add 8 | Alep | Atalante | Apollon
bronze | battle | British Museum | book illumination | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | bull | bed | boat | Briseis | black figured | Belgium | Bruxelles | bow | Boreadai 50 | Bellerophon) 86 | Boetia | branch | Boreadai | B 158 | Berlin | bipennis | bird | Basel | Bo 10 | Bellerophon) 92a | Briseis 12a | Briseis 12b | Bosnia and Herzegovina | biga
cup | chariot | cane | cod. F 205 (inf. 1019) (Ilias Ambrosiana) | cult image | cult statue | contest | Chryses I | Cerveteri | Caere | caduceus | corselet | Cheiron 30 | crater: volute crater | Cheiron | Cacus 5 | Capua | clay | crown | corona | centaur | crater: column crater | charioteer | Cheiron 19 | club | cameo | Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France | Chryses I 6 | Chryses I 8 | Collections privées | Collection George Ortiz | cippus | Chiusi | Camars | Clevsin | Clusium | Chianciano Termelocalità Tolle | Chianciano Terme | Chrysaor
Dionysos 310 | Dionysos | diadem | Diomedes I | dog | demon | double-axe | Demeter/Ceres (vol. IV) 174 | Demeter/Ceres | Diomedes I 107b | Dolon 24 | Diomedes I 406pi | Diomedes I 8d | Darmstadt | Dido | Dionysos Add 13
Etruria | Eriboia 5 | E 16 | Eriboia | Eurytion II 8 | Eurytion II | Elmali | Eros 92 | E 13 | Eros | E 167 | Etruria – Corinth | ear of corn | Eurybates I 4 | Eurybates I 10
fight | funeral games | Firenze (Florentia) | fillet | flower | fountain | fountain house | FG 299 | France
Gigantes 415 | Giant | Gorgones (in Etruria) 109 | Germany | Gorgo | Gorgones | greaves | gate | G 166 | Greece | gold | Greek | gem | Grand Camée de France | Gorgones (in Etruria) Add 4
Herakles/Hercle 381 | Herakles/Hercle | Herakles/Hercle 163 | Hermes/Turms | helmet | herm | Hekabe | Hektor | Hermes | Hades 142 | Herakles 2596 | Hades | Herakles | Herakles 1702 | Herakles 2017ad | Herakles 2502 | Herakles 2680 | Herakles/Hercle 276 | Herakles/Hercle (Suppl. 2009) 276 | hydria | Hekabe 53 | hikesia | Heros equitans (vol. VI) 270 | Hermes 160 | Hermes 161 | Halimedes 6 | hunt | Honos 27 | halo | Honos | Hekabe 14 | Hektor 104 | Helene 195 | Helena. – Inscriptions: Falsche Beischriften aus späterer Zeit. | Hekabe 13 | Hekabe 19 | hatchet | Herakles/Hercle Add 22
illumination | Italy | incense-burner | Iolaos 23 | Iolaos | Ilioupersis | Ionia | intaglio | II. 3.d. Heroisierung | III. 6.a. Divination röm 160h | in das sie Weihrauch zu streuen scheint.#Rechts Hektor | Iuno 347
Kunsthistorisches Museum | kline | kerykeion | Kerberos | Kore | Kleophrades Painter | Kyknos I (vol. VII) 83 | Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 447 | ketos | Kizibel | Kamiros (Kameiros
lamella | lightning | Leto/Letun 6 | Leto/Letun | London | Laodike II | lionskin | lebes | Leagros Group | L 311 | Locris (Greece) | Leningrad Painter | labrys | lion | lekythos | lituus (curved staff of the augurs) | Livia
MID1517 | Monteromano | MID1779 | München | MID5891 | maenad | MID6002 | Milano | mensa | maid-servant | MID7145 | Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire | MID8791 | MID10096 | Museo Archeologico | MID10112 | MID11268 | Museum Canellopoulos | MID11574 | MID12653 | Madrid | Museo Arqueológico Nacional | MID12701 | Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität | murder at an altar | MID3768 | MID18404 | MID19333 | marble | Metropolitan Museum of Art | MID24701 | Musei Capitolini | MID26907 | MID33354 | MID34261 | MID43277 | MID43457 | MID44262 | mosaic | Musée du Louvre | MA 3457 | MID44551 | Musée | MID44552 | Musée Archéologique du Hatay | MID44762 | Museo Provinciale Campano | MID44763 | Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia | MID44766 | MID35889 | MID44219 | MID3015 | MID32295 | MID44049 | MID44574 | MID44767 | MID44922 | MID | Museo Civico Archeologico delle Acque | MID201393 | Musée National | Meleagros | MID201576 | Memnon Add 1 | Memnon | MID202149 | Musée National de Bosnie-Herzégovine (Zemaljski Muzej)
Nestor | neck amphora | Nereides 287 | Nereus 72 | Nereus | Nereides | Neoptolemos | Nereides 121 | New York | nimbus | Nestor (vol. VII) 17 | Nyx 10
Oltos | Odysseus | old man | Orthros I 17 | Orthros I | Orthros I 20 | oinochoe | Odysseus 103 | opus tessellatum | Odysseus 45 | olpe
Peleus 75 | Peleus | Paralos (S) 1 | Paralos | pict. XXXVII | Patroklos (S) 12 | parchment | priestess | palace | Panope | Patroklos | Priamos | Persephone (S) 265 | petasos | Persephone | Penthesileia 21 | Penthesileia | Peleus 176 | PD 507 | Phrygian cap | Pegasos (Pegasos | Pegasos | Priamos 64 | Priam Painter | Priamos 93 | Penthesileia 55i | Polyxene | plasma | palm tree | Paris | plant | P 278 | Providentia 13 | poppy | Providentia | pict. XXXIX | Polydamas (S) 2 | pict. V | pict. XXXII | pict. XXXIV | pict. VIII | pict. XXII | pict. XXIV | pict. XXVI | pict. VI | Pyrgi Temple B | pelekys | Perseus Add 6 | Polydektes Add 1 | Perseus | Polydektes
SMID1427 | shield | SMID1691 | Sphinx (S) 251 | San Valentino di Marsciano (Perugia) | Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek | SL 66 | spear | sphinx | SMID5995 | snake | stick | soldier | satyr | silen | SMID6112 | sceptre | sword | sacrifice | ship | SMID7293 | SMID8992 | SMID10313 | salpinx | SMID10331 | sculpture in the round | Santa Maria Capua Vetere | SMID11542 | stephane | SMID11852 | SMID12957 | Spain | SMID13010 | suppliant | supplication | SMID15611 | St. Petersburg | sea monster | SMID19237 | Sappho Painter | SMID20222 | SMID25931 | SMID28266 | staff | SMID35036 | SMID36017 | SMID45500 | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | SMID45695 | SMID46547 | SMID46851 | Syria | SMID46852 | SMID47095 | SMID47096 | SMID47099 | slab | silver | Silver 3 | SMID47114 | SMID47784 | Switzerland | SMID48711 | Sibyllae 24 | Stellae (S) 11 | sardonyx | Sibyllae | Sterope I | SMID8134 | SMID8580 | SMID12979 | SMID18510 | SMID18960 | SMID23615 | SMID30361 | SMID30365 | SMID32227 | SMID33919 | Sammlung von Heyl | SMID46331 | Selinus (Selinunte) | SMID46874 | statue | Suisse romande 231 | SMID47101 | Santa Marinella | SMID47269 | Sk 1221 | sacena | securis | SMID97934 | SMID98321 | Sarrîn (Osrhoene) | SMID98549 | Sotheby’s | SMID99144 | Sarajevo
thunderbolt | Tityos 27 | Turms 92 | tripod | toreutics | Tityos | Troilos | Telamon 20 | terracotta | Telamon | table | trapeza | temple | thymiaterion | turibulum | Town wall | Three-line Group | tree | trumpet | tuba | taenia | tainia | The State Hermitage Museum | Turkey | Tombe de Kizilbel | tiger | tablet | throne | Tiberius | Theano I 4 | Talthybios 9 | Tomb 327 | Thetis
Wien | warrior | wall | Würzburg 199 | winged boots | wreath | winged horse | Würzburg | wall painting | woman | warrior leaving home | wings
400/500 | 450/500 | 41/54 | 400/500- Description (detail): Links Priesterin (wohl Theano) und vier Troerinnen (unter ihnen wohl Hekabe) vor dem Tempel der Athena (darin schwach sichtbares Kultbild). Vor der Priesterin Thymiaterion | 4