Athena 512 | A 16933 | Agamemnon 38b | Artemis/Artumes 65 | alabaster | altar | Agamemnon | Artemis/Artumes | Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology | Artemis/Diana 130 | Aphrodite 512 | Aphrodite | Achilleus 512 | Achilleus | AGD IV 1546 | Apollon/Apollo 512 | Asklepios 358 | Antikensammlung | Amazones 512 | Amazon | Amazones | Ammon 53 | Aquileia | Ammon | altar: arula | altar built of square stones
Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France | Cupido 179ad | Cupido 512 | Carthage | cliff | Collection G. Zokevic | column | crocodile
Erechtheus (vol. IV) 59 | E 512 | Eurytion II 47 | Erinys 24 | Etruria | Erinys | Eriphyle I 8 | Eros/Amor | Eros 636ad | Eros 934p | Eros 512 | Eros 602 | engraving
Herakles 2464 | Helios/Sol 382 | human sacrifice | hind | Hekate (vol. VI) 127 | Herakles 512 | Hannover | Heimatmuseum | horse | he-goat
MID2721 | mirrors | MID9264 | MID9950 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | MID10063 | MID17196 | Musée du Louvre | MYRINA 1036 | MID17953 | Mercurius 512 | MID18255 | Mithras 155 | Mithras 512 | Mithras 618 | Museum of London | MID18687 | Museo Etrusco Guarnacci | MID18882 | MID32773 | MID34632 | Musei Capitolini | MID35838 | MID35892 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID36302 | MID38995 | Musée de Carthage | MID39381 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | MID44357 | MID46272 | Museum August Kestner | MID12279 | MID39615 | MID40457 | MID44305 | marble | Musée | MID45016 | MID52588 | München | monkey
Paris | phiale | phiale mesomphalos | patera | Poseidon/Neptunus 124 | Pompei | priestess | portable altar
SMID2742 | St. Petersburg | SMID9466 | SMID10161 | SMID10281 | SMID17886 | sculpture in the round of terracotta | SMID18735 | sculpture in the round | SMID19074 | SMID19552 | shield | spear | soldier | SMID19757 | SMID34425 | SMID36434 | sarcophagus | SMID37674 | SMID37730 | SMID38174 | SMID41028 | SMID41421 | statuette | SMID46644 | SMID49161 | SMID12577 | SMID41664 | SMID42547 | SMID46592 | SMID47363 | SMID57843 | situla | silver | Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst | Silb 512 | snake | sistrum | situla of Isis
The State Hermitage Museum | Theseus 76 | Taranto | Tunisia | terracotta | tree | Thetis | Titov Veles | Turkey | torch
vase painting | VolterraNecropoli del Portone | Volterra | vessel | Vanth | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 602