Antiope II 8 | Ariadne (vol. III) 48a | Antiope II | Aineias 70 | amphora | Antimenes Painter | archer | Aineias | Anchises | Athens | Athena | Alkyoneus 3 | arrow | Alkyoneus | Alkyoneus 6 | Athena 516 | Alexandros 72 | Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig | Alexandros
Herakles 2584 | Hermes 519a | Herakles | Hermes | Herakles 1902 | helmet | hide of deer | Hera 276 | horse | Hera | hydria
MID6642 | MID15532 | Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia | MID20533 | Museum of Cycladic Art | MID26498 | Musée du Louvre | MID42361 | MID46000
Peirithoos 61 | Phorbas I (S) 6 | Peirithoos | Phorbas I | pilos | Paris | Painter A | plant | Phrygian cap
SMID6779 | soldier | SMID16040 | spear | SMID21446 | sword | shield | swan | SMID27831 | skin | SMID44547 | SMID48422 | Switzerland