Aithra I 54 | Athena 67 | aryballos | Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology | Aithra I | Athena | Atlas 13 | apple | Atlas | Artemis Ephesia
Corinth | Campania | crescent of the moon | coin | coinage | Collections privées | Collections privées non spécifiées | cult image | cult statue
horn | horns | Helene 56 | horse | Helene | Hera 457 | Herakles 2685 | Hesperides 54 | Hera | Herakles | Hesperides | Hekate
SMID5170 | SMID7958 | Sphinx (S) 207 | shield | spear | Sphinx (Thebana) | SMID16488 | snake | star | SMID96086 | statue | SMID100472 | stemma