Amazones 392 | Artemis 1178 | Athena 459 | Apulia | axe | alabastron | Amazon | Artemis | Athena | Amazones | Art Museum | Amazones 380a | Aphrodite 1542 | Auktion 56 | Antiope II | Aphrodite
MID5220 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | mirror | MID5246 | MID5697 | MID8847 | Münzen und Medaillen AG
Pan (S) 41 | Penthesileia 45ad | pelekys | pilos | Penthesileia | Pan (S) 56 | Pan (S) 185 | pottery | Princeton (New Jersey) | Princeton University | Penthesileia 46
SMID5308 | shield | spear | sacena | securis | soldier | SMID5335 | sculpture in the round of metal | SMID5798 | SMID9049 | Switzerland