Achilleus Add 30 | Apulia | Achilleus | Agrigento | Athens | ARV² 700 | Aias II 45 | Astyanax I 15 | Attica | Austria | Archäologische Sammlung der Universität | Aias II | Athena | Archemoros 5 | Archemoros | Amphiaraos 29 | Antikensammlung | Adrastos | Amphiaraos | Aigis (S) 6 | A | Arimaspoi (S) 6 | agon | Arimaspoi | Aineias 164 | Apotheose 387 | altar | apotheosis | Aineias | Aias I 145 | amphora | Aias I | Acropolis Museum | Acheloos 256 | Auktion 16 | Acheloos | aedicula | alabastron | Achilleus 205a | Agamemnon 43 | altar built of field stones | Agamemnon | Aias II 98 | Athena/Menerva 148 | Athena/Menerva | Apotheose 370 | Aktaion 15 | Artemis 1396 | arrow | Aktaion | Artemis | Achilleus 176ad | Achilleus 842 | Alexandros 16 | Alexandros 80 | Artemis 1435 | Alexandros | Antiope II 8 | Ariadne (vol. III) 48a | Antiope II | Aion 19 | Apotheose 392 | Aion | Antoninus Pius | Ares/Mars 468 | Apollon/Aplu 36 | Aineias 35 | Athena 564 | Aglauros | Aias I 11 | Aigeus 40 | Akamas et Demophon 30 | Antiochos 10 | Aphrodite 1404 | Apollon 866 | Ares 116 | Artemis 1180a | Athena 237 | Athena 593 | AthensAcropolis | Aglauros (Agraulos) | Aigeus | Antiochos | Aphrodite | Apollon | Ares | Akamas | Andromeda I 33 | Andromeda I | A 197 | Aineias 160
base | Battistero degli Ortodossi | Berlin | black figured | Basel | bed | banquet | British Museum | B 503 | B 585 | bronze | Br 1744 | Boston | bow | Briseis 52ad | Brygos Painter | battle | Briseis | book illumination | Bibliothèque Nationale de France | Bochum | Bodrum
cave | C 948 | Collection Vlastos | cup | cult image | cult statue | cornelian | crater | clay | contest | column | Cornu copiae (S) 6 | club | crown | corona | Cupido 21 | chariot drawn by griffins | cypress | crater: volute crater | chair | Chryse I 7 | Cerveteri | Caere | Chryse I | Caeretheatre | crater: bell crater | Cumae | cane | corselet | Campus Martius 2 | Colonna di Antonino Pio | Campus Martius | Corinth | chariot | Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France | cloth | cushion | Canes (S) 6 | cod. par. gr. 510 | Casa di Achille | Casa del Sacerdos Amandus | cliff | captive | Cirencester | Corinium Museum | Collections privées | Collection Gréau
Denver | Denver Museum of Art | Daidalos et Ikaros 47ad | door: double-door | Dionysos 369 | Dionysos | Danaides Add 4 | Danaides | Daphnis 1 | dog | Daphnis | Dioskouroi/Castores 39 | Dioskouroi/Castores 160 | D 31 | Dionysos/Fufluns 76 | Diomedes I 12 | Diomedes I | Demeter (vol. IV) 423 | Dione 9ad | Dionysos 486 | Dodekatheoi 4a | diphros | Demeter | Dione | Dodekatheoi | Demophon | Despotes Theron (S) 6 | Dion | Dido (S) 6 | Dido (Suppl. 2009) 6 | Dido
Eros 1012b | Eleusis Painter | Eidola (S) 6 | eidolon | Endymion 49 | Eros/Amor | eagle | Eros (in Etruria) 61ad | engraving | Etruria | Eros | Eridanos I 1 | E 41 | Erechtheus (vol. IV) 48a | Erechtheus (vol. IV) 79 | Eros 842c | Erechtheus | Erythra Thalatta (S) 6 | Echo 5b
FG 194 | fire (on altar) | footstool | fruit | fillet | fan | France | Firenze (Florentia) | fight | Faustina | Fr 36 | F 764 | frise est | frieze | Frises | fol. 264v | Fata | Fatum (S) 6
Greece | gorgoneion | gem | Germany | griffin | garland | G 413 | Galleria degli Uffizi | greaves | Glaukos II 6 | Genii cucullati (S) 6 | Grotte de Pan | Györ | grave altar
Hippokampos (S) 6 | hippocamp | Hypnos (S) 6 | hikesia | Hypsipyle I (S) 6 | helmet | Hypsipyle I | horse | Helenos (S) 6 | Helios/Sol 168 | Helenos | Helios/Sol | Herakles | Helios (in per. or.) (vol. V) 54 | halo | harpe | Hades 124 | Herakleidai 13 | hydria | Hades | Hekate | Herakleidai | Hermes | Hermonax | Helene/Elina 19 | Helios/Usil (vol. V) 10 | Helene/Elina | Helios/Usil | Hermes 165 | herm | Helios/Sol 174 | H 2910 | Hekabe 4 | Hekabe | Herse | Hebe I 31 | Hephaistos 178 | Hera 208 | Hermes 779 | Hestia 10 | Hippothoon 21 | Hebe I | Hephaistos | Hera | Hestia | Hippothoon | Herakles/Hercle 266 | Herakles/Hercle 293 | Hesione (S) 6 | Horai/Horae 133 | Helene | Hermes/Al-Kutbay (S) 6 | Hungary | Herakles 2374 | Halicarnassusvilla della Gara delle Nereidi | hunt
Italy | Ilioupersis (S) 6 | Ilioupersis | Iordanes (S) 6 | II. 3.d. Heroisierung | II. 5. Kultbilder 589 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 24 | incense-burner | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 92b | II. 4.c. Musik gr 372 | II. 3.a. Reinigung röm 82 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 7 | Iris I 68 | I. 1. Prozessionen gr 72 | I. 2.b. Libation 19 | II. 5. Kultbilder 112 | II. 5. Kultbilder 215 | Iris I | Iordanes (S) 5 | IX 5.2 | I 7.7 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte gr 6 | I 245
Kassandra I (vol. VII) 107 | Kassandra I | Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 6 | Kentauroi (in Etruria) (S) 6 | Kerykeion (S) 18 | Kore | Kouretes | Korybantes (S) 6 | Korybantes | Kybele | krater | kantharos | kline | Kirke 68 | kid | Kiel | Kunsthalle zu Kiel | kithara | kibotos arca | Kyme | Kassandra I (vol. VII) 16 | Konnidas | Kekrops (vol. VI) 31 | kanoun | Kekrops | Kephalos 34 | Kassiepeia (S) 6 | Kepheus I 35 | ketos | Kepheus I | Khirbet at-Tannur | Kybele (S) 6 | Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
London Griffin-calyx | Lar | Lares 93 | Latinus 6 | lituus (curved staff of the augurs) | Lares | Latinus | Landesmuseum Württemberg | lion | lekythos | Latmos (S) 6 | London | lamb | lyre | Lupa Romana 20 | Lupa Romana | Lu 273 | Leos 3 | Leos | Liffol-le-Grand (Vosges) | Lemnos | Laodicée (Phrygie)
MID168 | Malibu | MID739 | mosaic | MID1371 | Museo Archeologico Regionale | MID1792 | mirrors | Musei Vaticani | MID214 | MID238 | MID2130 | MID2224 | marble | MID2373 | MID2539 | MID3499 | MID3587 | MID3881 | MID3913 | MID3999 | Museo Etrusco Guarnacci | MID4135 | MID4144 | München | MID4252 | MID4272 | Münzen und Medaillen AG | MID4730 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | mensa | meat | maenad | MID4810 | MID4904 | Mainades (S) 6 | MID5365 | Malakbel (S) 6 | Musei Capitolini | Malakbel | MID5602 | Megara I (S) 6 | Megara I | MID5996 | Musée du Louvre | MID6050 | Menelaos/Menle (S) 6 | mirror | Menelaos/Menle | MID6062 | MID6160 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID6215 | Montes (S) 6 | MID6448 | Museo Civico di Palazzo Chiericati | MID6476 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | MID6580 | Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia | Memnon | MID6642 | MID6687 | MID6784 | Mercurius 450 | Museum Wiesbaden | MID7398 | MID7661 | MID7686 | MID10945 | Minos I 8 | MID2081 | MID14275 | MID2125 | MID109 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell’Umbria | MID46549 | MID362 | MID2201 | MID70 | MID3942 | Musée Archéologique | MID4232 | MID4356 | MID4627 | Musée Archéologique Régional | MID4893 | Machaon (S) 6 | MID6238 | MID6737 | MID7195 | Musée | MID7207 | Musée Xantus János | MID21375 | MID9576 | MID7565 | MID10773
Nereides 334 | Nereid | National Archaeological Museum | Neilos 18 | nekyia | New York | Nike (in per. or.) (S) 35 | nimbus | naiskos | Nymphai (S) 6 | Napoli | n | Nereides 407 | Nabeul | Nantosvelta (S) 6 | near the Mausoleum
Oceanus (S) 62ad | Odysseus/Uthuze 81 | offering | Oineus I (S) 6 | Oineus I | Oinopion (S) 6 | oinochoe | Orpheus 76 | Orpheus | Odysseus 48 | old man | obelisk | offering basket | opus tessellatum
Poseidon 186ad | pelike | Poseidon | Palazzo Spada | pediment | Parthenopaios (S) 6 | Parthenopaios | Polyneikes | pilos | phiale | phiale mesomphalos | patera | Pan (S) 6 | Persephone (S) 281 | Persephone | Persephone (S) 298 | palace | Palamedes 149p | Patroklos (S) 6 | Philoktetes 13 | Paris | prayer | Palamedes | Patroklos | Philoktetes | Persephone (S) 6 | Priapos (S) 6 | Pan Painter | Priapos | Phaethon I 9 | Phoinix II (S) 6 | Polyxene 1ad | Priamos 7 | Phoinix I | Polyxene | Priamos | Peirithoos 61 | Phorbas I (S) 6 | Peirithoos | Phorbas I | Planetae (S) 6 | Pandaros 1 | Penteskouphia (Corinthia) | Pandaros | Pasiphae 3 | Polyidos (S) 6 | Pandrosos 40 | Pandion 1 | Phorbas I (S) 17 | Poseidon 136 | priest | Pandion | Perugia | Poseidon (in per. or.) (S) 6 | Pompei | parete ovest | Perseus 178b | Pompei I 7.7 (Casa del sacerdote Amandus) | Phrygian cap | Perseus | Phthonos (S) 6
red figured | Ravenna | relief | Roman | Roma | Russian Federation | RomePalatine | Rom (not specified) | Rhesos (S) 6 | RC 6846 | Roma (S) 221 | Rome | relief terracotta | RTP 221 | rock | relief metal
SMID601 | SMID657 | SMID1278 | Skylla I (S) 6 | SMID1704 | SMID1944 | SMID2040 | suppliant | supplication | SMID2143 | SMID2238 | Septem 18 | snake | shield | soldier | SMID2388 | SMID2561 | Septem 7 | scaraboid | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | spear | SMID3534 | St. Petersburg | SMID3623 | SMID3923 | seer | soothsayer | sow | SMID3956 | sculpture in the round | Stuttgart | SMID4043 | sarcophagus | SMID4179 | sculpture in the round of metal | SMID4188 | Sisyphos I 5 | Swing Painter | Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek | stone | Sisyphos I | SMID4300 | sceptre | SMID4324 | Sappho Painter | Switzerland | sword | SMID4803 | Somzée Painter | stephane | staff | symposium | satyr | silen | SMID4896 | SMID4992 | SMID5457 | Saturnus (S) 6 | Saturnus | SMID5697 | stele | spring | seat | sedes | sedile | SMID6107 | stamnos | SMID6172 | solar disk | SMID6184 | statue | SMID6283 | SMID6339 | SMID6581 | SMID6609 | SMID6716 | stick | SMID6779 | SMID6827 | Saeculum (S) 6 | Saeculum | SMID6927 | SMID7552 | Sphinx (S) 6 | SMID7844 | Semele 25 | Silenoi (S) 6 | SMID7869 | Sthenelos II 5 | Sthenelos I | SMID11190 | SMID11759 | Sphinx (S) 44 | sphinx | seat with back-rest | SMID14699 | SMID17351 | SMID19161 | SMID50173 | SMID3408 | Saturnus (S) 26 | Stellae (S) 6 | SMID49627 | sea monster | SMID308 | SMID3997 | SMID4276 | SMID4407 | SMID4687 | sculpture in the round of terracotta | SMID4981 | SMID6362 | SMID6879 | SMID7343 | Seirenes (S) 6 | SMID7356 | Silvana (S) 6 | SMID22331 | SMID24514 | Spain | SMID49806 | Sozon (S) 6 | SMID49958
terracotta | Thetis | Tethys I (S) 6 | Tritones 76 | Teiresias (S) 6 | Turms 103 | temple | Tydeus 10 | Tydeus | The State Hermitage Museum | tree | throne | table | trapeza | Trastevere. | taenia | tainia | torch | torch: cross-shaped torch | thymiaterion | turibulum | Theseus Add 2 | Tarquinia | Theseus | Theseus 265 | Teukros II (S) 6 | tablet | Teukros I | Trapezo/Trapezophoros et Kosmo 2 | textile | Trapezo | Trapezophoros | Thetis 32 | Tritones 73a | triclinium [b] | Tégée | Tanit (S) 6 | Tunisia | Turkey
vase painting | Vatican City | Victoria 175 | V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144 | Vestal | vici magister | vicomagister | Victoria | Volterra | Vulci | votive relief | vine-branch | vine-foliage with grapes | veil | Vicenza | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 272 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 407 | Vulcanus 88 | Vari (Anagyrous) | Virgo Caelestis 1 | Valencia | Villa romaine à l’ouest du Mausolée
water | weapon | Wien | warrior | wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.) | warrior leaving home | wreath | wine | White Saccos Painter | winged figure | Wiesbaden | wall painting | woman
1951.29 | 12687 | 138/192 | 19332 | 14899 | 1115 | 1.27 | 1494 | 1956 | 113 | 107 | 10.185 | 181 | 1837.6-9.58 | 10429