Apulia | altar | ashes | altar: round altar | Archemoros 8 | Artemis 1333 | Athena 392 | Apollon | Artemis | Aineias 164 | Apotheose 387 | apotheosis | Aineias | Adonis Add 17 | Agonothesia Add 1 | Andreia Add 1 | Apollon 987 | Artemis 215 | Artemis 675 | Artemis 728 | Artemis 1198 | Artemis 1260 | Artemis 1262 | Artemis 1357 | Artemis Ephesia 5 | Artemis Ephesia 6 | Asia Minor | amphora | aulos | acerra | architecture | Adonis | Agonothesia | Aion | Andreia | Aphrodite | Artemis Ephesia | Athena | Aphrodite 1521 | Apollon 927 | Ares 92 | Ares | Admetos I 11 | Alkestis 18 | Apollon 940 | Antiquarium Costantini | altar: monolithic block | Admetos I | Alkestis | Aias II 77 | Austria | Aias II | Aithra I 56 | altar with protection against wind | Aithra I | alabastron | A | acroterion | Adonis 18 | Amykos 16 | Apollon/Aplu 63 | Athena/Menerva 171 | Amykos | Aphrodite/Turan | Apollon/Aplu | Athena/Menerva | Aithiopes 38 | Aithiopes | Amphion 6 | Amphion | Artemis/Diana | architectural relief | Arco di Costantino | Aeternitas | Apollon/Apollo | Ares/Mars | Antalya | Artemis Pergaia | Antikensammlung | auletes
Basel | bukranion | bull | bipennis | branch | bed | boar | bow | balance | bucket | bovine | British Museum | basin with high foot: louterion | band of wool | Boston | Boston Orestes Painter | base | Bari | bronze | bird | black (people) | Berlin | banquet
crown | corona | crater: volute crater | column | cult image | cult statue | cup | chariot | cliff | cloth | chariot drawn by griffins | catinus | cattle | chest | crater: calyx crater | capital: Ionic | club | child | crater: bell crater | clay | cista | cushion | Castel d’Asso (località Casale Signorelli) | Canada | Croatia | Cautes | Cautopates
Darius Painter | double-axe | dedicator | Dolichos (Suppl. 2009) 1 | dance | diadem | dog | dorsuale (strap over the animal’s back) | Demos | Dike | Dolichos | Diomedes I 66 | Diomedes I | Danaides | Dionysos | door: double-door
eagle | Erinys 57 | Erinys | Eileithyia 60a | Eileithyia 60b | Eileithyia | Elpis | Eros | Erinys 49 | engraving | Etruria | Ercolano
fan | fire (on altar) | fruit | frieze | flute | F 271 | Fiesole | frieze with metopes and triglyphs | fountain | fountain house | frise | Felicitas | fluteplayer | found in the context of the cimetery of the church St. Michel.
Galerie Palladion | gesture of unveiling (aidos) | grapes | Gigantes 391 | Giant | gesture: one forearm raised (worship | greeting?) | Ge | Gerousia | Genève | Germany | Greece | goat
hikesia | horn | horns | Hypsipyle I (S) 3 | Helenos (S) 6 | Helios/Sol 168 | Helenos | Helios/Sol | Hades 111 | Hierapolis I Add 1 | Horai 34 | Hierapolistheatre | hammer | hide of deer | herdsman | Hades | Hierapolis I | Horai | Hippodameia I 6 | Hippodameia I | Herakles | Helene 200 | Helene | Herakleidai 6 | hydria | Herakleidai | Herculaneum | Herculanum | Helios/Sol 201 | Honos
Ion 5b | III. 6.d. Hikesie 88 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 146 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 157 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 81c | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 124b | incense-burner | Ion | I. 2.a. Opfer gr 250 | I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 761 | III. 6.c. Verehrung 76 | Istanbul | III. 6.d. Hikesie 94 | II. 3.d. Heroisierung | II. 5. Kultbilder 589 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8 | II. 5. Kultbilder 74 | II. 5. Kultbilder 397 | III. 6.b. Gebet gr 79 | III. 6.b. Gebet gr 80 | III. 6.c. Verehrung 57 | incense box | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 133e | infula | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 53d | Italy | III. 6.a. Divination gr 156 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 77 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 163 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 112e | III. 6.d. Hikesie 71 | IV 724 | Ilioupersis | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 134 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 122 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 141 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 151 | III. 6.d. Hikesie 169 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 124a | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 135a | iynx | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18f | Ilioupersis Painter | II. 3.c. Initiation 140 | II. 4.c. Musik röm 10 | III. 6.c. Verehrung 83 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 11 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 25 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 63a | ibis | Isis
Kreousa I 8 | Kreousa I | Kavak (Turkey) | kanoun | knife | kline | kados | krater: calyx-krater | Kassandra I (vol. VII) 140 | Kunsthistorisches Museum | key | Kassandra I | Kassandra I (vol. VII) 43 | kithara | kantharos | krater: volute-krater | kiste | Klymene II 1 | Klymene II | Kairoi/Tempora anni | krater
loutrophoros | lyre | leopard | lion | libation | leogriffin | labrys | Lycurgus Painter | Lar | Lares 93 | Latinus 6 | lituus (curved staff of the augurs) | Lares | Latinus | Leto 7a | Leto 7b | Leto/Latona 7 | laurel-tree | libanotis | lanx | Leto | Lykourgos I 28 | Lyssa 8 | London | Lykourgos I | lionskin | lagobolon | Lasa 6 | Lasa | Liberalitas 33 | Liberalitas | Luna
MID292 | MID1224 | marble | Musée Archéologique | MID221 | MID3881 | Musei Vaticani | MID6815 | Marsyas I 54 | Mousa | Mousai 305 | Musée | mallet | malleus | musician (female) | Marsyas I | Mousai | MID8120 | Myrtilos 2 | Myrtilos | MID9297 | MID9425 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID9873 | MID10965 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | mensa | MID12200 | Musée d’Art et d’Histoire | maenad | MID15306 | Makaria I 3 | Museo Archeologico Provinciale | Makaria I | MID16171 | mirror | MID21878 | MID45195 | MID2263 | MID6048 | Musée Régional | MID13709 | MID201004 | Mithras Add 6 | Mithras Add 15 | Mithras Add 19 | Musée Archéologique de Split | Mithras
Nemea 14 | Nike 240 | Niobidai 38 | Nymphai (S) 92 | nebris | neat | Nemesis | Nike | Niobe | Niobidai | Nymphai | neck amphora | Napoli
offering basket | Orestes 16 | Orestes | offering | Oikoumene Add 1 | Olympos I 34 | Oikoumene | Olympos I | oinochoe | old man | Orestes 24 | omphalos | olive branch | Odysseus | Osiris 114p | Osiris Kanopos 87post | Osiris | Osiris Kanopos | Okeanos/Oceanus
phiale | phiale mesomphalos | patera | panther | pinax | plant | Persephone (S) 211 | Poseidon 273 | Pamukkale | Pamukkale (Hiérapolis) | palm branch | pipe | praying man | popa (with ax or hammer) | procession: sacrificial procession | poppy | pyxis | prayer | Persephone | Poseidon | Pelops 6 | perirrhanterion | Pan | Pelops | Perimele 6 | Paestum | Palladion | priestess | Pompei I 2.6 | Pelasgos 8 | pedum | parasol | Pelasgos | pediment | palm tree | priest | Palazzo Spada | Populus | Populus Romanus | Perge (S) 4 | Perge (Pamphylia) | pig | piper | ProlozacPostranje
red figured | relief | Roman | Russian Federation | RomePalatine | rock | rope | Ruvo | Raum m | Royal Ontario Museum | Rome | Roma | Roma (S) 224 | raven
SMID84 | Switzerland | stephane | snake | sceptre | suppliant | supplication | swan | suppliant branch | SMID1130 | SMID1976 | Septem 13 | St. Petersburg | St 523 | sword | SMID3923 | shield | seer | soothsayer | sow | SMID6958 | Silenoi (S) 207 | Synodos (Suppl. 2009) 1 | Synthysia Add 2a | Synthysia Add 2b | scaenae frons; frieze above the porta regia | spear | stag | sacrificial assistant | scroll | scales | spring | sphyra | sprinkling of cult image | situla | satyr | silen | small box | Silenos | Synthysia | Sappho | Synodos | SMID8309 | Sterope I 2 | sanctuary | stemma | SMID9500 | staff | SMID9628 | SMID10081 | supplicate | SMID11213 | sacral-idyllic landscape | SMID12493 | sunshade | SMID15796 | SMID16798 | SMID22881 | sacrifice | sistrum | situla of Isis | SMID47557 | SMID3743 | Senatus 6 | Senatus | Silvanus | SMID6170 | stone | SMID14063 | Silvanus 6 | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | Sk 717 | sacrificial animal | sickle | SMID97844 | stele | Split | symposium
terracotta | tablet | thymiaterion | turibulum | Turkey | The State Hermitage Museum | torch | tree | tibiae | textile | tray | tripod | torch: cross-shaped torch | Theano I 8 | temple key | Theano I | table | trapeza | temple | thyrsos | tympanon (tambourine) | Toronto | Tiberis | Tiberinus 14 | Tiberinus | Tyche/Fortuna | Tyche | tibicen
vase painting | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 37 | votive relief | Victoria 175 | V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144 | Vatican City | Vestal | vici magister | vicomagister | Victoria | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 41 | victimarius | volumen | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 155a | V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 8 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1565 | V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 255 | V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 256 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 611a | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1426 | vessel | Victoria 322 | Victoria 323 | Victoria 329 | Virtus 53 | VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 4 | VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 10 | Via | Virtus | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 40
wreath | wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.) | worshipper | water | water-jug | wheel | Wien | wall painting