Athena Add 67 | amphora of Panathenaic shape | Attica | Arthur M. Sackler Museum | amphora | Athena | Apollon/Aplu 46 | Apollon/Aplu | Art Museum | Apollon 631a | Artemis 1106 | Alexandros 67 | Automedousa 2 | Alexandros | Automedousa | Aphrodite 1507 | Artemis 1239 | altar | altar with fire protection | altar: volute altar | Amazones 247 | Amazones | Apulia | Asklepios 194 | A 20830 | archer
Capua | Cambridge (Massachusetts) | column | crater | Corinth | chariot | Cleveland | Cleveland Museum of Art | crater: bell crater | crown | corona | cup | catinus | Chicago | Caere
der Schwert und Schild trägt. Ganz rechts steht Metua | die sich zum Geschehen hin vorbeugt und mit ihrer rechten Hand ebenfalls das Opfertier hält. | Detroit Painter | Demeter (vol. IV) 456 | Dionysos 375 | dance | Dionysos | Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Harvard University Art Museums | helmet | hält ein Schwein in seiner linken hoch und ein Messer in seiner rechten Hand. Er opfert das Tier über dem nackten | Herakles 1792ad | Hermes 936 | Hektor 10 | Helene 190 | Hippolytos II 1 | horse | Hektor | Helene | Hippolytos I | Herakles 2878 | Herakles 3051 | Hektor 67 | Helene 274 | hikesia | Helios/Sol 95ad | hydria
I. 2.a. Opfer etr 161 | II. 3.a. Reinigung etr 105 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 116a | Indiana University | Iolaos 14ad | I. 2.c. Rauchopfer 4 | incense-burner
MID794 | MID1180 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID2822 | Medeia 71 | mirror | Museum of Art and Anthropology | MS 5444 | Metua | MID3101 | MID4970 | Mainades (S) 67 | Malibu | maenad | MID7213 | Museum of Art | MID7304 | MID9941 | MID11244 | MID12230 | Mousa | Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 67 | MID18300 | Mithras 218 | Mithras 524 | Mithras 632 | MID20148 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | MID20336 | MID21303 | MID22393 | MID22691 | MID29344 | MID29935 | Menelaos | MID30467 | MID31299 | marble | MID35609 | mask | MID37761 | MID40106 | MID7682 | mosaic | MID18545 | MID31118 | MID50887 | Megiddo (Khirbet El Khazna)Stratum VI – Dimensions: 0.67 m | MID203446
SMID708 | statue | SMID1088 | sculpture in the round of metal | SMID2844 | sword | shield | SMID3128 | SMID5057 | satyr | silen | SMID7362 | Seirenes (S) 17b | SMID7452 | Seirenes (S) 67 | SMID10152 | SMID11516 | SMID12523 | SMID19124 | SMID21054 | SMID21243 | sculpture in the round | SMID22244 | spear | soldier | SMID23460 | SMID23779 | SMID30787 | SMID31393 | stephane | suppliant | supplication | SMID31933 | SMID32823 | SMID37446 | skin | SMID39712 | SMID42178 | SMID7865 | SMID19391 | SMID32635 | SMID56048 | SMID100547 | stag | Satyros
terracotta | Toledo (Ohio) | Theseus 67 | textiles | Textile Museum | tree | throne | taenia | tainia | tray | Tethys I (S) 7 | thymiaterion | turibulum
67.730 | 67.133 | 65.66 | 67.58 | 67.44.1 | 67.1006 | 67.11.22 | 67.154 | 67.136 | 67.1025 | 67.43 | 67.20 | 67.598