altar | auletes | acerra | Aineias 209 | Artemis/Diana 359 | Atalante 45 | Adonis | Aineias | Aphrodite | Artemis/Diana | Atalante | Artemis/Diana 277 | altar: monolithic block | Artemis | Aineias 174 | Askanios 12 | Askanios | Ammon 39 | Ammon | Ammon 48 | Aventicum (Avenches) | Avenches (Aventicum) | Ammon 40 | Augusta Emerita | Ammon 74 | Ammon 78ac
Collections privées | Collection J. Nollekens | camillus | Casa del Forno di ferro | candelabrum | Capo di Massa (Sorrento) | chiton | cup | cliff
Herakles 928 | Hermaphroditos 5b | Hermaphroditos (Suppl. 2009) 5b | Hermaphroditos | hare | hunting spear | helmet | Herrmann 302
incense box | Italy | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 31 | incense-burner | II. 5. Kultbilder 266 | incense | Iapyx | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 27
MID7570 | marble | MID15036 | Meilanion 405p | Meleagros 157 | Meilanion | Melanion | Meleagros | MID15429 | Men 96 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID23272 | Musei Vaticani | MID24182 | MID39559 | Museo Archeologico Territoriale della Penisola Sorrentina Georges Vallet | MID39821 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | MID44991 | Musée Archéologique National | MID46010 | Musée Romain | MID26476 | Mérida | Merida | Museo Nacional de Arte Romano | Medousa | MID45064 | MID45097 | Morocco | Musée Archéologique | MID52558
piper | Pompei VI 15.6 | Pompei | Port Sunlight | Piano di Sorrento | plate | pig | pine tree | pomegranate-tree | Pompei VII 1.25 (House of Siricus) | physician | patera
Roma (S) 235 | relief | Roman | RomePalatine | Rome | RomeTomb of the Haterii | rock | rabbit | RomeForum Romanum | Roma
SMID7752 | SMID15512 | Selene | SMID15924 | SMID24414 | SMID27060 | sculpture in the round | SMID41608 | sacrificial animal | sacred grove | SMID41877 | sword | shield | spear | soldier | SMID47338 | Spain | SMID48432 | stone | Switzerland | SMID27809 | SMID47412 | SMID47446 | SMID57813 | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen | Skulpturensammlung
tibicen | thymiaterion | turibulum | torso | Tarragona (Tarraco) | Tarragone | Tempio di Vespasiano e Tito | terracotta | Tamuda | Tétouan | Tamuda 72
VI 15.6 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 471 | VI. 1.e. Tod röm 16 | Vatican City | Villa romana | venabulum | varia