Aphrodite 254 | Aphrodite | Aphrodite/Venus | Aigis (S) 4 | Aigis (S) 7 | Apollon 509 | Apotheose 331 | A 1990 | A 7/144 | Attica | Agorakritos | Athens | Avellino | Avignon | AthensAcropolis | Auktion 60 | Albright-Knox Art Gallery | Attis 55 | Attis | Akademisches Kunstmuseum der Universität | Ampelos 2 | Ampelos | Apollon 222 | Apollon/Apollo 61 | Aphrodite 92 | Aegina (Aigina) | Apollon 221 | Apollon/Apollo 67 | Artemis 129 | Artemis/Diana 7 | Ares/Laran 7 | Ares/Mars 7 | Aphrodite 751 | Austria | Asklepios (in Thracia) 7 | Artemis 328 | Aphrodite (in per. or.) 7 | Aphrodite (in per. or.) 52 | Artemis 639 | Artemis 729 | Antikenmuseum und Abgusssammlung des Archäologischen Instituts der Universität | Aphrodite/Turan 7 | Athena (in Aegypto) 7 | Alexandrie | Athena/Menerva 54 | Ammon 22 | Antikensammlung | Ammon | Aktaion 9b | Androklos 7 | axe | Aktaion | Androklos | Antiocheia 7 | Auktion 40 | Antiocheia | Ammon 7 | Athena 125 | Acropolis Museum | Athena 129 | Aegina (Aigina)Temple of Aphaia | archer | Aias I | Alexandros | Athena | Aglauros | Aktaios I 1 | Amphitrite 32 | Athena 234 | Attike 4 | Acropolis | Aglauros (Agraulos) | Aktaios I | Amphitrite | Attike | Alzey | Art Museum | Atlas 66 | Atlant | Atlas | Attis 7 | Asklepios 175 | Aphrodite (in per. or.) 9 | Asia Minor | applique | Aglasun | Aquincum | Apollon | add. 7 | add. 19 | add. 20 | Augusta Treverorum
British Museum | B 197 | B 4245 | B 5377 | basin | bronze | bukranion | Belgium | B 7 | Basel | B 410 | B 256 | Buffalo | bow | Baubo 7 | Bendis 7 | B 13 | Bes (Cypri et in Phoenicia) 7 | Bona Dea 7 | Bonn | B 77 | Botrys 7 | Botrys 8 | Boston | Brolio (Val di Chiana) | Bulgaria | Br 4419 | Brooklyn Museum | Berlin | battle | Boreadai 40 | Boutes Add 1 | Boreadai | Boutes | Budapest | Baal-Hammon 7 | Beni Khaled (Cap Bon) | Burdur | base
Calza 108 | Cyrène | Cologny | Cat. 7 | Cyprus | Cyprus Museum | cista | Cat. 239 | Chione I 2 | Chthonia 1 | chariot | charioteer | Chione I | Chthonia | Christie’s | Cos | Cagliari | collection privée | Cambridge | Corpus Christi College | Collections privées | Collection de Clercq | Château | Collection L. Castiglione – E. Varga | Collection Fejérváry-Pulszky | Collection Daniel Marie Fouquet | club | Colonia Iulia Augusta Diensis | Colonia Aelia Septimia Aq. | Contra Aquincum | Colonia Augusta Treverorum
Délos | Dionysos 7 | Dionysos | Dionysios | Dionysos (in per. or.) 7 | Damas | Dirke 7 | Dirke | dog | Dodekatheoi 4d | Dodekatheoi | DUT 23 | diadem | Dion
EA 36053 | Eros | Egypt | Ephesos (Ionia) | Erechtheus (vol. IV) 75 | Eridanos II 1 | Eridanos II 2 | Erysichthon II 4 | Eumolpos 2 | Erechtheus | Eridanos I | Erysichthon I | Eumolpos | Espérandieu 7749 | Epona (vol. V) 145 | Espérandieu 9038 | ex Charvet | Espérandieu 2662 | Eros 742
France | Firenze (Florentia) | fillet | Fondation Martin Bodmer – Bibliotheca Bodmeriana | flowers of ivy | flower | fronton est | fight | fronton ouest | Frontons
Greece | Germany | garland | Galleria degli Uffizi | Geryoneus 2 | Gigantes 88 | Galleria e Museo di Palazzo Ducale | Gigantes 7 | Greek | Güglingen | griffin
Hypnos (S) 8 | Hypnos/Somnus 7 | Historisches Museum Blumenstein | Helios (vol. V) 386 | Hamburg | Hermes 946a | Horos 44 | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) 7 | Hermes 20 | herm | Hermes | Hermes 23 | Hermes 283 | Helios (vol. V) 174 | Herakles 54 | Herakles 429 | Herakles 1024 | Herakles 1029 | Heidelberg | horn | horns | helmet | hatchet | Herakles 2792 | Hyllos I 7 | Hektor | Herakles | Hyllos I | Herse | Hermes 451 | Hekate (in Thracia) (vol. VI) 7 | Helios/Sol 339 | Herakles (Cypri) 5 | Herakles/Hercle 15 | Herakles/Hercle 23a | Hermaphroditos 7 | Hermaphroditos (Suppl. 2009) 7 | Herakles 187p | Harpokrates 148c | Hungary | Herakles 492 | Herakles 604 | Herakles 796 | Herakles 885 | Hongrie | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 7 | Herakles/Hercules
II. 3.d. Heroisierung | I 394 | Italy | Isis 7 | II 1a 7 | ivy | I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 282 | IX 7.53 | I 672 | III 4 | I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke | Izmir | Ilisos 1 | Ion 1 | Ion (Suppl. 2009) 1 | Iris I 104 | Iris I (Suppl. 2009) 104 | III. 3.b. Konsekration 56 | Ilisos | Ion | Iris I | I 238 | IX 7.20 | Isis 319h | Ino 7 | III 7 | IV. 1.a. Kultorte gr 7 | Iolaos
Kommagene 1 | Kybele (S) 56 | Köln | Kronos 7 | Kyrene 7 | Kaisareia II 7 | kiste | Kunsthistorisches Museum | KyreneSanctuary of Apollon and Artemis | Kallirrhoe II 1 | Kekrops (vol. VI) 28 | Kephalos 29 | Kephisos I 3 | Kranaos I 1 | Kreousa I 1 | ketos | Kekrops | Kephalos | Kephisos I | Kranaos I | Kreousa I | Kallirrhoe I | Ketos (S) 49ad | Kéa | K3.611-K3.612 | Kissamos (Crete) | Kastelli Kissamou (Crète) | Krankheit
London | Libya | Laokoon 7 | Libye 7 | limestone | Leda 7 | Levi 82 | Laomedon I 3 | Laomedon I | Lar | Lares 7 | Lares 57 | lionskin
MID1662 | MID216 | Madrid | Museo Arqueológico Nacional | MID3025 | marble | MID3331 | MID3495 | MID3507 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | MID3695 | Mithras 6 | Mithras 7 | MID4375 | Musée Archéologique | MID4477 | MID4634 | Musée National du Bardo | MID4790 | Museum Wiesbaden | MID5788 | MID5793 | MID6064 | MID6296 | MID7208 | MID7897 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | MID8176 | Mours-Saint-Eusèbe | Musée Diocésain d’Art Sacré | MID9334 | MID9358 | Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe | MID11043 | MID11698 | Mousa | Mousai 180 | MID13367 | MID13418 | MID13724 | MID13761 | MID14641 | Mefitis 7 | Museo Irpino | MID15619 | Musei Vaticani | MID15781 | Musée des Antiquités | MID15937 | MID16142 | Mercurius 7 | Musée du Louvre | MA 573 | MID17015 | MID17490 | MID20678 | Museo Gregoriano Egizio | MID22293 | MID24106 | Musée Calvet | MID24333 | MID24337 | Mariemont | Musée Royal de Mariemont | MID24487 | Münzen und Medaillen AG | MID24809 | MID25443 | MID27337 | MID27591 | MID28106 | MID28115 | MID29001 | MID29102 | MID31531 | MID32457 | MID32479 | MID32881 | MID32968 | MID33048 | MID33049 | Moscow | MID36747 | Musée National | MID37608 | MID37881 | MID38003 | mirror | Museum of Fine Arts | MID38225 | MID38499 | MID16598 | Mantova | MID38944 | Museo Archeologico | MID38987 | MID39681 | MID40631 | MID40851 | MID41253 | MID41365 | MID41458 | MA 355 | MID41580 | MID41939 | München | MID42511 | Musée Gréco-Romain | MID42805 | MID44971 | MID45236 | MID45750 | MID18853 | man | MID29017 | MID8523 | MID6202 | Melikertes 13 | Melikertes 14 | Melite II 3 | Metion (Suppl. 2009) 1 | Melikertes | Melite I | Metion | MID4246 | MID6449 | MID7598 | Musée Archéologique Régional | MID8464 | Museum Alzey | MID13025 | MID13140 | MID15947 | MID16062 | MID4223 | MID19070 | Musée Historique | MID21766 | MID23514 | MID23582 | MID23596 | MID24185 | MID25165 | MID26209 | MID27082 | MID27654 | MID27744 | MID27888 | MID30192 | MID31404 | MID31463 | Malagatheatre | Malaga | Musée Archéologique Provincial | MID36586 | MID17984 | MID40061 | MID41256 | MID53229 | MID201547 | Musée du Petit Palais | MID201590 | MID202164 | MID202172 | MID202179 | MID202250 | Municipium Aelium | Musée National Hongrois (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum) | MID202553 | MID202576 | MID202577 | MID203296 | Medizin röm 7
New York | Nemrud Dag | National Archaeological Museum | Napoli | Neilos 16 | Niobe 7 | Niobidai 23a | Nicosie | Nymphai (S) 7 | Nabeul | Nîmes | Nemesis Add 7 | Nemesis | Nemesis Add 17
Persephone (S) 7 | Piraeus | Peiraieus | Persephone | Priapos (S) 81 | Pompei VIII 7.28 (formerly 8.28) (Temple of Isis) | Pero II 7 | Perseus 7 | Pecheis 7 | Pygmaioi 65 | Ptah 7 | Paris | Phrygian cap | pelekys | Priamos 6 | pediment | Priamos | Pandrosos 39 | Poseidon 139 | Poseidon 223 | Praxithea 4 | Prokne et Philomela 8 | Prokne et Philomela 13 | Prokris 7 | pediment statue | Parthenon | Philomele | Poseidon | Praxithea | Prokne | Prokris | Psyche 68 | Pompei | Princeton (New Jersey) | Princeton University | Pompei VIII 7.17–20 (Odeum) | Pisidia
Russian Federation | Roma | Rhenos | Rhenus 7 | Römisch-Germanisches Museum | Razgrad | Reinach | RépStat II 263 | RépStat II 204 | Roman | Römermuseum | Rheinisches Landesmuseum
SMID1573 | sculpture in the round of terracotta | SMID1950 | Spain | SMID3046 | statue | St. Petersburg | SMID3359 | Switzerland | Solothurn | SMID3530 | sculpture in the round of metal | SMID3542 | SMID3733 | SMID4428 | Sarapis 7 | SMID4535 | SMID4694 | SMID4874 | SMID5891 | SMID5896 | SMID6186 | SMID6421 | Sotheby’s | SMID7357 | Seirenes (S) 15 | SMID8080 | Sphinx (S) 271 | sphinx | SMID8362 | Sucellus 7 | SMID9535 | SMID9561 | SMID11292 | SMID11980 | SMID13710 | SMID13761 | SMID14078 | Silvanus 18 | SMID14117 | SMID15083 | SMID16145 | SMID16329 | SMID16522 | SMID16759 | SMID17698 | SMID18209 | SMID21595 | SMID23355 | SMID25290 | SMID25534 | SMID25538 | SMID25694 | SMID26040 | SMID26713 | SMID28720 | SMID28974 | SMID29511 | SMID29519 | SMID30420 | SMID30524 | SMID33138 | SMID34098 | SMID34120 | SMID34543 | SMID34636 | SMID34717 | SMID34718 | SMID38636 | Syria | SMID39524 | statue group | SMID39832 | SMID39968 | SMID40204 | Sal. st. 3 + 7 | SMID40486 | SMID40921 | SMID40977 | statuette | SMID41021 | SMID41729 | SMID42722 | Sofia (Serdica) | SMID42943 | SMID43354 | SMID43473 | SMID43559 | SMID43682 | SMID44119 | Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek | SMID44702 | SMID45004 | SMID47317 | stone | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | Sk 7 | SMID47614 | sacena | securis | SMID48157 | SMID49404 | sandal | SMID49769 | SMID14443 | SMID9521 | sea monster | SMID4294 | SMID6582 | SMID7780 | SMID8657 | SMID13349 | SMID13472 | Sardos 7 | SMID16535 | SMID16667 | SMID17681 | Saulon-la-Chapelle | SMID19948 | SMID22766 | SMID24683 | SMID24751 | SMID24765 | SMID25378 | SMID26409 | SMID27517 | SMID28450 | SMID29043 | SMID29149 | SMID29290 | SMID31651 | SMID33006 | SMID33068 | SMID38468 | SMID40545 | SMID42130 | SMID43357 | SMID58590 | SMID98519 | SMID98563 | Sinis | SMID99160 | sandstone | snake | SMID99168 | Sagalassos | SMID99175 | SMID99247 | SMID99571 | SMID99594 | SMID99595 | SMID100345 | ST 9725
The State Hermitage Museum | Turkey | Tunisia | Tunis | taenia | tainia | T 463 | The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts | tree | Tyche | Telamon 17 | Temple d’Aphaia | Telamon | Teukros II | Tanit (S) 7 | Taranis 7 | tufa | terracotta | Tritones Add 7 | Triton | Theseus Add 7 | Theseus | Trans AquincumAmphitheatre | Trier | Treveris
Venus 7 | Venus 122 | Verethragna 10 | Verethragna 11 | Virgo Caelestis 7 | Vulcanus 96 | Villa Doria Pamphilj | Vatican City | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 823 | VI 7 | VI 14.26 | Venus (in Gallia) 7 | V 7 | Versailles | VIII 7.17-20 | VI. 1.f. Gesundheit
1950.7-6.1 | 1775 | 12/7-R | 1922.7-11.1 | 1864.10-7.1902 | 132 | 176 | 1865.7-20.46 | 124846 | 1917.1310 | 1919.6-20.7 | 1922.7-12.4 | 1865.7-12.18 | 1523 | 1505 | 14.213 | 1059 | 14.364 | 107 | 1868.11-2.7 | 1982 | 149 | 1863.7-28.276 | 1132 | 1864.10-7.158 | 154 | 1805.7-3.75 | 1734 | 1244 | 1897.7-28.1 | 1866.1-1.298 + 299 | 1917.7-1.13 | 1925.7-14.1 | 1856.7-1.1 | 1959/XI-6/1 | 1322 | 100/200 | 1861.7-25.1 | 1380 | 1905.10-27.1 | 1/200 | 1969 | 151 | 10.7.1974 | 11.7.1988 | 10.7.1979 | 1973-7 | 12 | 13./14.7.1981 | 169 | 1/100 | 190/200 | 118