Aithiopes 22 | Attica | Anthesteria | Aithiopes | Agamemnon 343 | A 893 | Antikensammlung | Athens | Apollon 146d | Artemis 893 | AG pl. 31
MID2241 | Mainz | MID3164 | Musée du Louvre | M 9 | MID4629 | Musée National du Bardo | MID11799 | Mousa | Mousai 222 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID20345 | Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire | MID27985 | MID34013 | Myrina (Aeolis) | MID42117 | Musei Capitolini | MID46189
SMID2255 | S 893 | SMID3191 | satyr | silen | SMID4689 | statuette | sculpture in the round | SMID12082 | sculpture in the round of terracotta | SMID21252 | SMID29388 | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | SMID35763 | skin | SMID44297 | SMID48633