ID: 90afeb20f77b47a48ed2f1b697a94d0e
Name: 38736X001.jpg
Size: 94.4 kb
Dimensions: 444x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID36846, SMID38736
Description: mosaic – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID36846, SMID38736, Dionysos (in per. or.) 81, mosaic, Turkey, Antakya, Musée Archéologique du Hatay, 958
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID36846, SMID38736 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos (in per. or.) 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Turkey, Antakya, Musée Archéologique du Hatay, Inventory: 958 (1. Inv.)
ID: 55899055bfd44008a5a70aa70f78e3d5
Name: 38736X102.jpg
Size: 85.95 kb
Dimensions: 600x427 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID36846, SMID38736
Description: mosaic – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID36846, SMID38736, Dionysos (in per. or.) 81, mosaic, Turkey, Antakya, Musée Archéologique du Hatay, 958
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID36846, SMID38736 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos (in per. or.) 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Turkey, Antakya, Musée Archéologique du Hatay, Inventory: 958 (1. Inv.)
ID: a26d8fc9ec8e4697a86cac63528478e7
Name: 1057X005.jpg
Size: 55.14 kb
Dimensions: 459x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID1149, SMID1057
Description: hydria, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Helena Painter – Dating: -360/-350 – Discovery: Rhodes (Dodecanese – Description: Untere Zone: Im Zentrum ist der Oberkörper der Ge nach rechts gewandt zu sehen, die Szepter und Füllhorn in beiden Händen hält. Auf dem Füllhorn sitzt Plutos (nach links gerichtet), den Kopf und den Oberkörper zurückgewandt sowie die Hände zu Demeter ausgestreckt, die rechts von Ge und Plutos in Dreiviertelansicht nach links steht, mit Szepter in der rechten Hand. Rechts von ihr steht der Dadouchos (Keryx, Eubouleus, Iakchos oder Eumolpos), den Kopf nach links zurückgewandt mit je einer Fackel in der Hand. Links von Ge ist Kore in Dreiviertelansicht (nach links gerichtet) mit zurückgewandtem Kopf zu sehen, die in jeder Hand eine Fackel trägt. Links von ihr eine nach rechts gewandte Frau (Eileithyia). Obere Zone: Über Ge ist Triptolemos auf dem Flügelwagen mit Schlangen dargestellt, in seinem linken Arm ein Szepter, in der linken Hand eine Phiale, in der rechten eine Ähre. Zwischen Ge und Triptolemos liegt ein Bakchos-Ring auf dem Boden. Rechts von ihm sitzt eine nach rechts gewandte Frau, den Kopf zurückgedreht (Demeter?), rechts von ihr ein Jüngling, der sein rechtes Bein auf einen Kasten stützt (Iasion?). Links von Triptolemos befindet sich eine weiter Frau, nach links gerichtet sitzend, den Kopf zurückgewandt (Aphrodite?). – Dimensions: H: 46 cm
Keywords: MID1149, SMID1057, Demeter (vol. IV) 403, Eileithyia 81, Eubouleus 8, Eumolpos 28, Ge 28, Keryx 3, Persephone (S) 159, Ploutos 7, Triptolemos 140, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1477, hydria, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Helena Painter, -360/-350, Rhodes (Dodecanese, Turkey, Istanbul, Musée Archéologique, unknown, cornucopia, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, ear of corn, torch, libation, cista, kiste, dadouchos, bakchos (staff in the mysteries of Eleusis), winged chariot, chariot drawn by serpents, ring, Aphrodite, Demeter, Eileithyia, Eubouleus, Eumolpos, Ge, Iakchos, Iasion, Keryx, Persephone, Ploutos, Triptolemos, Kore
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID1149, SMID1057 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Demeter (vol. IV) 403, Eileithyia 81, Eubouleus 8, Eumolpos 28, Ge 28, Keryx 3, Persephone (S) 159, Ploutos 7, Triptolemos 140, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1477
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: cornucopia, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, ear of corn, torch, libation, cista, kiste, dadouchos, bakchos (staff in the mysteries of Eleusis), winged chariot, chariot drawn by serpents, ring, Aphrodite, Demeter, Eileithyia, Eubouleus, Eumolpos, Ge, Iakchos, Iasion, Keryx, Persephone, Ploutos, Triptolemos, Kore
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Pringsheim, H. G., Archäologische Beiträge zur Geschichte des eleusinischen Kultes (1905) 99 Nr. 39; Schefold, KV Taf. 6b; Nilsson, M. P., Die eleusinische Religion, Die Antike 18 (1942) 223 Abb. 7; Recueil Ch. Dugas (1960) 137 Nr. 95; Kerényi, Eleusis 149 Abb. 12. 150. Taf. 37; Simon, E., Neue Deutung zweier eleusinischer Denkmäler des vierten Jahrhunderts v. Chr., in: AntK 9 (1966) 82 Abb. 3; Graf, Eleusis 187 Nr. 9; Nilsson, GrRel I³ 317 Taf. 44, 1; Bianchi, Mysteries 17 Abb. 3; Schwarz, G., Triptolemos (1987) 149f. V128; Hayashi, T., Bedeutung und Wandel des Triptolemosbildes vom 6. -4. Jh. v. Chr. (1992) 166f. Nr. 145; Clinton, MC 178 Fig. 29.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Turkey, Istanbul, Musée Archéologique, Inventory: unknown (1. Inv.)
ID: c9df87496b564f3eaaa8e4f86c98d3c8
Name: 10217X001.jpg
Size: 46.13 kb
Dimensions: 600x328 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID10001, SMID10217
Description: sarcophagus – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID10001, SMID10217, Dionysos/Bacchus 129, Eileithyia 65, Helios/Sol 177, Horai/Horae 66, Horai/Horae 81, Phaethon I 7, Semele 10a, Tellus 78, Venti 21, sarcophagus, United Kingdom, Liverpool, Museum, National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, 1959.148.221
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID10001, SMID10217 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos/Bacchus 129, Eileithyia 65, Helios/Sol 177, Horai/Horae 66, Horai/Horae 81, Phaethon I 7, Semele 10a, Tellus 78, Venti 21
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, Liverpool, Liverpool, Museum, National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, Inventory: 1959.148.221 (1. Inv.)
ID: c267adbe9b9e4dddbe9d39c7a4251df4
Name: 1486X001.jpg
Size: 61.85 kb
Dimensions: 600x439 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID1575, SMID1486
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID1575, SMID1486, Herakles/Hercle 362, Iuno 1, Poseidon/Nethuns 15ad, Uni 67, Zeus/Tinia 81, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1839.2-14.71, B 57
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID1575, SMID1486 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Herakles/Hercle 362, Iuno 1, Poseidon/Nethuns 15ad, Uni 67, Zeus/Tinia 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: 1839.2-14.71 (2. Inv.), B 57 (1. Inv.)
ID: 51231084fc1d4761a16e76ef09b815a4
Name: 1486X102.jpg
Size: 61.81 kb
Dimensions: 418x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID1575, SMID1486
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID1575, SMID1486, Herakles/Hercle 362, Iuno 1, Poseidon/Nethuns 15ad, Uni 67, Zeus/Tinia 81, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1839.2-14.71, B 57
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID1575, SMID1486 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Herakles/Hercle 362, Iuno 1, Poseidon/Nethuns 15ad, Uni 67, Zeus/Tinia 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: 1839.2-14.71 (2. Inv.), B 57 (1. Inv.)
ID: ced7fe9e25b542d48eb2d76141c8b51b
Name: 18095X001.jpg
Size: 31.3 kb
Dimensions: 275x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17377, SMID18095
Description: sculpture in the round of terracotta – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID17377, SMID18095, Nike 644, sculpture in the round of terracotta, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, D 81
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17377, SMID18095 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Nike 644
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: D 81 (1. Inv.)
ID: 716e2c28eedc4bd39726a2e8895ed262
Name: 18219X001.jpg
Size: 55.08 kb
Dimensions: 600x380 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17500, SMID18219
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID17500, SMID18219, Apollon 1080, Artemis 1349, Athena 546, Kadmos I 7, Niobidai 7, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, E 81, 1867.5-8.1066
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17500, SMID18219 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Apollon 1080, Artemis 1349, Athena 546, Kadmos I 7, Niobidai 7
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: E 81 (1. Inv.), 1867.5-8.1066 (2. Inv.)
ID: 9c31905b56f24f1c9a1dd9aa74e132fe
Name: 18219X101.jpg
Size: 66.05 kb
Dimensions: 600x455 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17500, SMID18219
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID17500, SMID18219, Apollon 1080, Artemis 1349, Athena 546, Kadmos I 7, Niobidai 7, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, E 81, 1867.5-8.1066
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17500, SMID18219 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Apollon 1080, Artemis 1349, Athena 546, Kadmos I 7, Niobidai 7
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: E 81 (1. Inv.), 1867.5-8.1066 (2. Inv.)
ID: 9935a6d271c44a40af014376183af424
Name: 18219X102.jpg
Size: 67.88 kb
Dimensions: 600x455 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17500, SMID18219
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID17500, SMID18219, Apollon 1080, Artemis 1349, Athena 546, Kadmos I 7, Niobidai 7, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, E 81, 1867.5-8.1066
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17500, SMID18219 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Apollon 1080, Artemis 1349, Athena 546, Kadmos I 7, Niobidai 7
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: E 81 (1. Inv.), 1867.5-8.1066 (2. Inv.)
ID: 1db9f50164974421a4d049238ed47db7
Name: 26277X101.jpg
Size: 39.8 kb
Dimensions: 354x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID25042, SMID26277
Description: neck amphora, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Sabouroff Painter – Dating: -460/-450 – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID25042, SMID26277, Alexandros 11, Ganymedes 81, Hermes 469, neck amphora, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Sabouroff Painter, -460/-450, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, E 330, kerykeion, caduceus, lyre, rock, cliff, Alexandros, Ganymedes, Hermes
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID25042, SMID26277 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Alexandros 11, Ganymedes 81, Hermes 469
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: kerykeion, caduceus, lyre, rock, cliff, Alexandros, Ganymedes, Hermes
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: ARV(2) 842, 129.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: E 330 (1. Inv.)
ID: caa099f31a4f468eb06e3f7005547a10
Name: 26277X102.jpg
Size: 37.07 kb
Dimensions: 374x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID25042, SMID26277
Description: neck amphora, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Sabouroff Painter – Dating: -460/-450 – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID25042, SMID26277, Alexandros 11, Ganymedes 81, Hermes 469, neck amphora, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Sabouroff Painter, -460/-450, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, E 330, kerykeion, caduceus, lyre, rock, cliff, Alexandros, Ganymedes, Hermes
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID25042, SMID26277 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Alexandros 11, Ganymedes 81, Hermes 469
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: kerykeion, caduceus, lyre, rock, cliff, Alexandros, Ganymedes, Hermes
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: ARV(2) 842, 129.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: E 330 (1. Inv.)
ID: 38f0174b84db42b78cd1d40f3ecaad16
Name: 3824X101.jpg
Size: 46.4 kb
Dimensions: 420x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID3785, SMID3824
Description: lamp – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID3785, SMID3824, Victoria 81, lamp, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1971.4-26.18, Q 1015, 831
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID3785, SMID3824 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Victoria 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: 1971.4-26.18 (3. Inv.), Q 1015 (1. Inv.), 831 (2. Inv.)
ID: bda0958056854ba6b4946d295b1649f2
Name: 6141X002.jpg
Size: 44.16 kb
Dimensions: 471x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID6020, SMID6141
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID6020, SMID6141, Helene 239, Menelaos (S) 49, Priamos 81, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, E 294
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID6020, SMID6141 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Helene 239, Menelaos (S) 49, Priamos 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: E 294 (1. Inv.)
ID: d03fba26a5d146dd8add3ee047299523
Name: 9822X001.jpg
Size: 60.37 kb
Dimensions: 438x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9617, SMID9822
Description: crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Artist: Darius Painter – Dating: -330/- Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Im oberen Figurenfries Pan, Hermes, Eros, Aphrodite (mit Schwan und Fächer). Darunter eine bartlose Apollon-Herme (Dreiviertelansicht, zweistufige Basis, Armbosse) vor dem Hadeseingang. Rechts davon hält Orpheus Kerberos an der Leine, hinter ihm sitzt Eurydike (?).
Keywords: MID9617, SMID9822, Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -330/- Discovery: (not specified), United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 270, altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9617, SMID9822 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp II 538, 318; Schmidt, M., in Atti del XIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 1974 (1975) 120–121 pl. 14.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: F 270 (1. Inv.)
ID: 5d9956f14dda4f398fff94814a2389e5
Name: 9822X002.jpg
Size: 61.43 kb
Dimensions: 424x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9617, SMID9822
Description: crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Artist: Darius Painter – Dating: -330/- Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Im oberen Figurenfries Pan, Hermes, Eros, Aphrodite (mit Schwan und Fächer). Darunter eine bartlose Apollon-Herme (Dreiviertelansicht, zweistufige Basis, Armbosse) vor dem Hadeseingang. Rechts davon hält Orpheus Kerberos an der Leine, hinter ihm sitzt Eurydike (?).
Keywords: MID9617, SMID9822, Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -330/- Discovery: (not specified), United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 270, altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9617, SMID9822 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp II 538, 318; Schmidt, M., in Atti del XIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 1974 (1975) 120–121 pl. 14.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: F 270 (1. Inv.)
ID: d42b0c6792944107b05900cfb3ce532b
Name: 9822X101.jpg
Size: 77.02 kb
Dimensions: 600x470 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9617, SMID9822
Description: crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Artist: Darius Painter – Dating: -330/- Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Im oberen Figurenfries Pan, Hermes, Eros, Aphrodite (mit Schwan und Fächer). Darunter eine bartlose Apollon-Herme (Dreiviertelansicht, zweistufige Basis, Armbosse) vor dem Hadeseingang. Rechts davon hält Orpheus Kerberos an der Leine, hinter ihm sitzt Eurydike (?).
Keywords: MID9617, SMID9822, Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -330/- Discovery: (not specified), United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 270, altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9617, SMID9822 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp II 538, 318; Schmidt, M., in Atti del XIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 1974 (1975) 120–121 pl. 14.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: F 270 (1. Inv.)
ID: 024fa2d78c9440ed987b905ba7dc3c4b
Name: 9822X102.jpg
Size: 61 kb
Dimensions: 490x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9617, SMID9822
Description: crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Artist: Darius Painter – Dating: -330/- Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Im oberen Figurenfries Pan, Hermes, Eros, Aphrodite (mit Schwan und Fächer). Darunter eine bartlose Apollon-Herme (Dreiviertelansicht, zweistufige Basis, Armbosse) vor dem Hadeseingang. Rechts davon hält Orpheus Kerberos an der Leine, hinter ihm sitzt Eurydike (?).
Keywords: MID9617, SMID9822, Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -330/- Discovery: (not specified), United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 270, altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9617, SMID9822 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp II 538, 318; Schmidt, M., in Atti del XIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 1974 (1975) 120–121 pl. 14.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: F 270 (1. Inv.)
ID: 50a6beb70f724c76bd01d5d7c88516b1
Name: 9822X103.jpg
Size: 53.36 kb
Dimensions: 495x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9617, SMID9822
Description: crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Artist: Darius Painter – Dating: -330/- Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Im oberen Figurenfries Pan, Hermes, Eros, Aphrodite (mit Schwan und Fächer). Darunter eine bartlose Apollon-Herme (Dreiviertelansicht, zweistufige Basis, Armbosse) vor dem Hadeseingang. Rechts davon hält Orpheus Kerberos an der Leine, hinter ihm sitzt Eurydike (?).
Keywords: MID9617, SMID9822, Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -330/- Discovery: (not specified), United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 270, altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9617, SMID9822 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aphrodite 1497, Eros 966, Kerberos 30, Orpheus 81, II. 3.c. Initiation 67
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, herm, tree, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Kerberos, Orpheus, Pan
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp II 538, 318; Schmidt, M., in Atti del XIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 1974 (1975) 120–121 pl. 14.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, British Museum, Inventory: F 270 (1. Inv.)
ID: 11a139760071449fa2f0d68da9a31ba4
Name: 6421X001.jpg
Size: 34.73 kb
Dimensions: 270x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID6296, SMID6421
Description: sculpture in the round – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID6296, SMID6421, Priapos (S) 81, sculpture in the round, United Kingdom, London, Sotheby’s, 5.7.1982, 368
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID6296, SMID6421 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Priapos (S) 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, London, Sotheby’s, Inventory: 5.7.1982, 368 (1. Inv.)
ID: b5a917f76bf049c5ba54d62e4dcc06e2
Name: 11457X002.jpg
Size: 64.11 kb
Dimensions: 333x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID11187, SMID11457
Description: mirror, engraving, Etruria – Material: bronze – Dating: -310/-300 – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID11187, SMID11457, Aias II 81, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 158, mirror, engraving, Etruria, bronze, -310/-300, United Kingdom, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Shefton Museum, 110, column, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, Aias II, Kassandra I
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID11187, SMID11457 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aias II 81, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 158
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: column, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, Aias II, Kassandra I
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Gerhard, EtrSp IV 2 pl. 400, 2; ArchReops 1969–70, 56–57 fig. 8; Davreux, J., La légende de la prophétesse Cassandre d’après les textes et les monuments (1942)166 no. 102.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Shefton Museum, Inventory: 110 (1. Inv.)
ID: 2cd109f94d684799bbec1a54e03ab32b
Name: 23267X001.jpg
Size: 51.67 kb
Dimensions: 355x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID22214, SMID23267
Description: sculpture in the round – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID22214, SMID23267, Horos 14, sculpture in the round, United Kingdom, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1964.81
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID22214, SMID23267 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Horos 14
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Inventory: 1964.81 (1. Inv.)
ID: 611ef09316794dd3a4419743a696a568
Name: 9406X001.jpg
Size: 73.58 kb
Dimensions: 600x394 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9205, SMID9406
Description: sarcophagus – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID9205, SMID9406, Meleagros 120, Orcus 5, sarcophagus, United Kingdom, Woburn, Woburn Abbey, Woburn Abbey Art Gallery, Cat. 60 (Michaelis 81)
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9205, SMID9406 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Meleagros 120, Orcus 5
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, Woburn, Woburn Abbey, Woburn Abbey Art Gallery, Inventory: Cat. 60 (Michaelis 81) (1. Inv.)
ID: 27cc0c71973d48909c9fac8434f544f7
Name: 9406X002.jpg
Size: 32.26 kb
Dimensions: 600x197 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID9205, SMID9406
Description: sarcophagus – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID9205, SMID9406, Meleagros 120, Orcus 5, sarcophagus, United Kingdom, Woburn, Woburn Abbey, Woburn Abbey Art Gallery, Cat. 60 (Michaelis 81)
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID9205, SMID9406 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Meleagros 120, Orcus 5
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United Kingdom, Woburn, Woburn Abbey, Woburn Abbey Art Gallery, Inventory: Cat. 60 (Michaelis 81) (1. Inv.)
ID: f17dcd415fcc46409b86e15b86f8bab4
Name: 11378X001.jpg
Size: 33.03 kb
Dimensions: 341x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID11107, SMID11378
Description: lekythos, pottery, Attica – Material: clay – Artist: unknown – Dating: -400/-375 – Discovery: Eretria? (Euboea) – Description: Ilioupersis: Left to right a Trojan sinks down to his knees, attaked by Greeks on either side. Beyound this group stands a Trojan; his hands are lowered, supporting a wounded or dead companion. Lastly, moving to the right to size Kassandra is Aias. She sits upon the stepped socle of the Palladion. In the background stands a pillar, from which two bucrania are hanging.
Keywords: MID11107, SMID11378, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160, lekythos, pottery, Attica, clay, unknown, -400/-375, Eretria? (Euboea), United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.350, Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID11107, SMID11378 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Zervoudaki, E. A., AM 83, 1968, 23 n. 25 pl. 11, 1–2.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.350 (1. Inv.)
ID: 7df88a5483db454d999278a95997afba
Name: 11378X002.jpg
Size: 33.89 kb
Dimensions: 336x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID11107, SMID11378
Description: lekythos, pottery, Attica – Material: clay – Artist: unknown – Dating: -400/-375 – Discovery: Eretria? (Euboea) – Description: Ilioupersis: Left to right a Trojan sinks down to his knees, attaked by Greeks on either side. Beyound this group stands a Trojan; his hands are lowered, supporting a wounded or dead companion. Lastly, moving to the right to size Kassandra is Aias. She sits upon the stepped socle of the Palladion. In the background stands a pillar, from which two bucrania are hanging.
Keywords: MID11107, SMID11378, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160, lekythos, pottery, Attica, clay, unknown, -400/-375, Eretria? (Euboea), United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.350, Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID11107, SMID11378 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Zervoudaki, E. A., AM 83, 1968, 23 n. 25 pl. 11, 1–2.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.350 (1. Inv.)
ID: 477701955dff42e79159d3f63c6652a0
Name: 11378X003.jpg
Size: 38.16 kb
Dimensions: 323x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID11107, SMID11378
Description: lekythos, pottery, Attica – Material: clay – Artist: unknown – Dating: -400/-375 – Discovery: Eretria? (Euboea) – Description: Ilioupersis: Left to right a Trojan sinks down to his knees, attaked by Greeks on either side. Beyound this group stands a Trojan; his hands are lowered, supporting a wounded or dead companion. Lastly, moving to the right to size Kassandra is Aias. She sits upon the stepped socle of the Palladion. In the background stands a pillar, from which two bucrania are hanging.
Keywords: MID11107, SMID11378, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160, lekythos, pottery, Attica, clay, unknown, -400/-375, Eretria? (Euboea), United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.350, Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID11107, SMID11378 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Zervoudaki, E. A., AM 83, 1968, 23 n. 25 pl. 11, 1–2.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.350 (1. Inv.)
ID: dcc45335cae241c5a3a0b466cf337df7
Name: 11378X104.jpg
Size: 37.41 kb
Dimensions: 370x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID11107, SMID11378
Description: lekythos, pottery, Attica – Material: clay – Artist: unknown – Dating: -400/-375 – Discovery: Eretria? (Euboea) – Description: Ilioupersis: Left to right a Trojan sinks down to his knees, attaked by Greeks on either side. Beyound this group stands a Trojan; his hands are lowered, supporting a wounded or dead companion. Lastly, moving to the right to size Kassandra is Aias. She sits upon the stepped socle of the Palladion. In the background stands a pillar, from which two bucrania are hanging.
Keywords: MID11107, SMID11378, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160, lekythos, pottery, Attica, clay, unknown, -400/-375, Eretria? (Euboea), United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.350, Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID11107, SMID11378 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Kassandra I (vol. VII) 129, III. 6.d. Hikesie 81, III. 6.d. Hikesie 160
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: Palladion, pillar, bukranion, Aias I, Kassandra I
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Zervoudaki, E. A., AM 83, 1968, 23 n. 25 pl. 11, 1–2.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.350 (1. Inv.)
ID: dca3604bbfaf436cb64e0a2c69f92a58
Name: 18200X002.jpg
Size: 66.11 kb
Dimensions: 600x554 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17482, SMID18200
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Lykaon Painter – Dating: -440 – Discovery: Vico Equense
Keywords: MID17482, SMID18200, Aktaion 81, Artemis 1400, Lyssa 1, Zeus Add 124, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Lykaon Painter, -440, Vico Equense, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.346, sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, spear, torch, branch, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion, Artemis, Lyssa, Zeus
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17482, SMID18200 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aktaion 81, Artemis 1400, Lyssa 1, Zeus, Add. 124
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, spear, torch, branch, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion, Artemis, Lyssa, Zeus
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: ARV(2) 1045, 7.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.346 (1. Inv.)
ID: 473046a18dd541569fd3831695b888a2
Name: 18200X003.jpg
Size: 65.65 kb
Dimensions: 600x555 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17482, SMID18200
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Lykaon Painter – Dating: -440 – Discovery: Vico Equense
Keywords: MID17482, SMID18200, Aktaion 81, Artemis 1400, Lyssa 1, Zeus Add 124, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Lykaon Painter, -440, Vico Equense, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.346, sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, spear, torch, branch, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion, Artemis, Lyssa, Zeus
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17482, SMID18200 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aktaion 81, Artemis 1400, Lyssa 1, Zeus, Add. 124
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, spear, torch, branch, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion, Artemis, Lyssa, Zeus
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: ARV(2) 1045, 7.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.346 (1. Inv.)
ID: 551db3c965ed4b72bc36c4312de31e28
Name: 18200X004.jpg
Size: 64.84 kb
Dimensions: 600x551 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID17482, SMID18200
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Lykaon Painter – Dating: -440 – Discovery: Vico Equense
Keywords: MID17482, SMID18200, Aktaion 81, Artemis 1400, Lyssa 1, Zeus Add 124, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Lykaon Painter, -440, Vico Equense, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 00.346, sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, spear, torch, branch, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion, Artemis, Lyssa, Zeus
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID17482, SMID18200 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aktaion 81, Artemis 1400, Lyssa 1, Zeus, Add. 124
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, spear, torch, branch, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion, Artemis, Lyssa, Zeus
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: ARV(2) 1045, 7.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 00.346 (1. Inv.)
ID: 19d9a3f44fff4283a8b60e5a731da881
Name: 30977X005.jpg
Size: 55.36 kb
Dimensions: 382x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID29529, SMID30977
Description: vase painting, black figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Exekias – Dating: -540 – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID29529, SMID30977, Aischines 1, Dioskouroi 223, Eurylochos II 1, Helene 17, Silenoi (S) 108, Pflanzen und Tiere gr (Suppl.) 81, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Exekias, -540, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 63.952, kantharos, chariot, basket, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, horse, vine-branch, vine-foliage with grapes, youth, satyr, silen, Aischines, Dioskouroi, Eurylochos I, Helene, Silenos, Kastor, Polydeukes, Simos (Pferd), Phalios (Pferd)
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID29529, SMID30977 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aischines 1, Dioskouroi 223, Eurylochos II 1, Helene 17, Silenoi (S) 108, Pflanzen und Tiere, gr. (Suppl.) 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: kantharos, chariot, basket, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, horse, vine-branch, vine-foliage with grapes, youth, satyr, silen, Aischines, Dioskouroi, Eurylochos I, Helene, Silenos, Kastor, Polydeukes, Simos (Pferd), Phalios (Pferd)
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Para 62; Add(2) 240; CVA Boston 1 pl. 12 (634).
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 63.952 (1. Inv.)
ID: 2d2ce91d4f47479e96fb8199c591d81a
Name: 30977X101.jpg
Size: 79.14 kb
Dimensions: 600x536 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID29529, SMID30977
Description: vase painting, black figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Exekias – Dating: -540 – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID29529, SMID30977, Aischines 1, Dioskouroi 223, Eurylochos II 1, Helene 17, Silenoi (S) 108, Pflanzen und Tiere gr (Suppl.) 81, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Exekias, -540, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 63.952, kantharos, chariot, basket, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, horse, vine-branch, vine-foliage with grapes, youth, satyr, silen, Aischines, Dioskouroi, Eurylochos I, Helene, Silenos, Kastor, Polydeukes, Simos (Pferd), Phalios (Pferd)
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID29529, SMID30977 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Aischines 1, Dioskouroi 223, Eurylochos II 1, Helene 17, Silenoi (S) 108, Pflanzen und Tiere, gr. (Suppl.) 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: kantharos, chariot, basket, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, horse, vine-branch, vine-foliage with grapes, youth, satyr, silen, Aischines, Dioskouroi, Eurylochos I, Helene, Silenos, Kastor, Polydeukes, Simos (Pferd), Phalios (Pferd)
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Para 62; Add(2) 240; CVA Boston 1 pl. 12 (634).
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 63.952 (1. Inv.)
ID: e4efb59ac3204cb39de090a8e954b543
Name: 42468X001.jpg
Size: 25.83 kb
Dimensions: 212x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID40378, SMID42468
Description: sculpture in the round of metal – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID40378, SMID42468, Artemis 81, sculpture in the round of metal, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 98.658
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID40378, SMID42468 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Artemis 81
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Inventory: 98.658 (1. Inv.)
ID: bc4f43b08842498ba9b54193bf9a7bcd
Name: 10643X001.jpg
Size: 52.3 kb
Dimensions: 596x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID10415, SMID10643
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID10415, SMID10643, Euboios 1, Gigantes 171, Herakles 171p, Hopladamas, Hoplodamas 2, Ouranion 1, Pankrates II 1, Polybotes 427p, vase painting, United States, Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, 81.AE.211
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID10415, SMID10643 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Euboios 1, Gigantes 171, Herakles 171p, Hopladamas, Hoplodamas 2, Ouranion 1, Pankrates II 1, Polybotes 427p
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, Inventory: 81.AE.211 (1. Inv.)
ID: 0793e2ca2e3e4e0a81900f0269aa82e7
Name: 10643X002.jpg
Size: 41.3 kb
Dimensions: 600x413 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID10415, SMID10643
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID10415, SMID10643, Euboios 1, Gigantes 171, Herakles 171p, Hopladamas, Hoplodamas 2, Ouranion 1, Pankrates II 1, Polybotes 427p, vase painting, United States, Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, 81.AE.211
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID10415, SMID10643 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Euboios 1, Gigantes 171, Herakles 171p, Hopladamas, Hoplodamas 2, Ouranion 1, Pankrates II 1, Polybotes 427p
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, Inventory: 81.AE.211 (1. Inv.)
ID: a5d7d76b64124891aab25024f5804326
Name: 10643X101.jpg
Size: 54.15 kb
Dimensions: 600x513 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID10415, SMID10643
Description: vase painting – Discovery: (not specified)
Keywords: MID10415, SMID10643, Euboios 1, Gigantes 171, Herakles 171p, Hopladamas, Hoplodamas 2, Ouranion 1, Pankrates II 1, Polybotes 427p, vase painting, United States, Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, 81.AE.211
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID10415, SMID10643 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Euboios 1, Gigantes 171, Herakles 171p, Hopladamas, Hoplodamas 2, Ouranion 1, Pankrates II 1, Polybotes 427p
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: United States, Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, Inventory: 81.AE.211 (1. Inv.)