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You see images 401–450/3231 on page 9/65
ID: 02bd238d3f154145b96ff5dd7bdeee81
Name: 37407X001.jpg
Size: 58.39 kb
Dimensions: 509x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID35571, SMID37407
Description: crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Artist: Dijon Painter – Dating: -380/-360 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Auf einem Felsen sitzender Dionysos mit thyrsos in der Linken und Schale mit Früchten in der Rechten. Vor ihm steht eine Mänade mit einem Kranz in der Linken, hinter ihm eine weitere mit tympanon. Hinten an der Wand hängt eine Tänie.
Keywords: MID35571, SMID37407, Dionysos 346, II. 5. Kultbilder 335, crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Dijon Painter, -380/-360, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 2666, V 43, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, thyrsos, tympanon (tambourine), cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, fruit, Dionysos
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID35571, SMID37407 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos 346, II. 5. Kultbilder 335
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: wreath, crown, stephane, corona, thyrsos, tympanon (tambourine), cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, fruit, Dionysos
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp I 155, 169: Dijon-P. Gjodesen, M., Johansen, F., Den Etruskiske Samling (1966) 78 n. V 43; Schmidt, M., Trendall, A., Eine Gruppe apulischer Grabvasen in Basel (1976) 111 n. 418.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, Inventory: 2666 (1. Inv.), V 43 (2. Inv.)
ID: fb8e882b678f42b09eb5a529a4875991
Name: 37428X001.jpg
Size: 55.67 kb
Dimensions: 538x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID35591, SMID37428
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Dating: -350/-340 – Discovery: unknown – Description: In der Bildmitte Dionysos mit Kranz im Haar und himation über dem linken Arm. In der Linken hält er einen kantharos, in der rechten eine Stab. Flankiert wird er von zwei Mänaden, die rechte mit Korb und alabastron, in der Rechten eine Weinranke, die linke mit drei Tänien und Schale. Hinter ihr folgt ein Satyr mit Hörnern mit Fackel, um die sich eine Schlange windet, sowie Eimer (situla) und Lorbeerzweig in den Händen. Alle Dargestellten sind bekränzt oder tragen ein Diadem, an der Wand hängen Tänien und ein bukranion, in der Mitte ist ein grosses Auge zu sehen.
Keywords: MID35591, SMID37428, Dionysos 357, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -350/-340, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 2249, H 46, snake, kantharos, torch, cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, basket, staff, laurel branch, situla, kados, bucket, alabastron, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID35591, SMID37428 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos 357
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: snake, kantharos, torch, cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, basket, staff, laurel branch, situla, kados, bucket, alabastron, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp I 387, 212 Taf. 132, 1–2: Helbig-P.; Gjodersen, M., Johansen, F., Den Etruskiske Samling (1966) 7 Nr. H 46.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, Inventory: 2249 (1. Inv.), H 46 (2. Inv.)
ID: 5746080d9cf84b569e28cff462b5400f
Name: 37428X102.jpg
Size: 49.07 kb
Dimensions: 503x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID35591, SMID37428
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia – Material: terracotta – Dating: -350/-340 – Discovery: unknown – Description: In der Bildmitte Dionysos mit Kranz im Haar und himation über dem linken Arm. In der Linken hält er einen kantharos, in der rechten eine Stab. Flankiert wird er von zwei Mänaden, die rechte mit Korb und alabastron, in der Rechten eine Weinranke, die linke mit drei Tänien und Schale. Hinter ihr folgt ein Satyr mit Hörnern mit Fackel, um die sich eine Schlange windet, sowie Eimer (situla) und Lorbeerzweig in den Händen. Alle Dargestellten sind bekränzt oder tragen ein Diadem, an der Wand hängen Tänien und ein bukranion, in der Mitte ist ein grosses Auge zu sehen.
Keywords: MID35591, SMID37428, Dionysos 357, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -350/-340, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 2249, H 46, snake, kantharos, torch, cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, basket, staff, laurel branch, situla, kados, bucket, alabastron, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID35591, SMID37428 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos 357
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: snake, kantharos, torch, cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, basket, staff, laurel branch, situla, kados, bucket, alabastron, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: RVAp I 387, 212 Taf. 132, 1–2: Helbig-P.; Gjodersen, M., Johansen, F., Den Etruskiske Samling (1966) 7 Nr. H 46.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, Inventory: 2249 (1. Inv.), H 46 (2. Inv.)
ID: 59b06a90867d4d0c89527930e537b9e1
Name: 17491X001.jpg
Size: 62.86 kb
Dimensions: 600x589 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID16823, SMID17491
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Italy – Material: terracotta – Artist: Adolphseck Painter – Dating: -380/-370 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Side A:Herakles and Nike by altar (Übereckansicht, Basis, rechteckiger Altarkörper mit Tänien geschmückt, profilierte Deckplatte). To left a youth.#Side B: Three youths – Dimensions: H: 38 cm
Keywords: MID16823, SMID17491, Herakles 3472, Nike 273, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Italy, terracotta, Adolphseck Painter, -380/-370, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 333, altar, fillet, taenia, tainia, altar: monolithic block, Herakles, Nike
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID16823, SMID17491 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Herakles 3472, Nike 273
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, fillet, taenia, tainia, altar: monolithic block, Herakles, Nike
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: CVA Copenhague: Musée National 6 IV C pl. 234 (237) 2a-b. RVAp I 71, 50.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: Chr VIII 333 (1. Inv.)
ID: 6b1ad0b384d143e1a28812173f2c31e5
Name: 17558X001.jpg
Size: 73.34 kb
Dimensions: 513x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID16888, SMID17558
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: unknown – Dating: -420/- Discovery: unknown – Description: Nike bringt Votivdreifuss, um ihn auf einer ionischen Säule hinter einem rechteckigen Block-Altar (Basis, Holzstoss) zu platzieren. Es handelt sich wohl um den Siegerpreis einer Dithyrambos-Aufführung. Boukranion, Baum. – Dimensions: H: 42 cm
Keywords: MID16888, SMID17558, A, Nike 335, II. 4.b. Tanz 218, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 133a, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, unknown, -420/- Discovery: unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 939, altar, tree, wood-pile, tripod, column, kithara, altar: monolithic block, capital: Ionic, Nike
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID16888, SMID17558 – SceneSide: A – LIMC/ThesCRA: Nike 335, II. 4.b. Tanz 218, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 133a
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, tree, wood-pile, tripod, column, kithara, altar: monolithic block, capital: Ionic, Nike
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: CVA Copenhague: Musée National 4 III 1 pl. 147 (149) 1a-d; van Straten, Hiera kala, 1995, 249 V290.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: Chr VIII 939 (1. Inv.)
ID: 9022e51d7a7d4706a0fa9bc39af929a5
Name: 25939X001.jpg
Size: 48.79 kb
Dimensions: 518x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID24709, SMID25939
Description: oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Tarquinia Painter – Dating: -480/-470 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Silenos hebt eine Herme (im Profil nach r., bärtig, langes Haar, ithyphallisch) von ihrer Basis. – Dimensions: H: 11,3 cm
Keywords: MID24709, SMID25939, Hermes 172, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Tarquinia Painter, -480/-470, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 598, herm, base, satyr, silen
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID24709, SMID25939 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Hermes 172
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: herm, base, satyr, silen
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: CVA Copenhague, Musée National 4 III 1 pl. 158 (160), 9; ARV(2), 873 n. 30; Lullies, R., Die Typen, Die Typen der griechischen Herme. 1931, 29 n. 55; Brommer, Satyrlisten(2), 62, 66 fig. 66, 80 note 138.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: 598 (1. Inv.)
ID: bce3d379b0f84287ae36f3eae3e92be0
Name: 34859X001.jpg
Size: 57.86 kb
Dimensions: 484x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID33190, SMID34859
Description: lamp, relief – Material: terracotta – Artist: unknown – Dating: 100/200 – Discovery: Athens – Description: The three Charites are standing on an altar. Beside it Aphrodite standing: Her right hand is resting on the altar with the Charites. To the right of her another altar with a figure (?) standing on it. – Dimensions: L: 10,5 cm; Br: 8,5 cm
Keywords: MID33190, SMID34859, Charis, Charites/Gratiae 72, lamp, relief, terracotta, unknown, 100/200, Athens, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 1421, altar, Aphrodite, Charites/Gratiae
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID33190, SMID34859 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Charis, Charites/Gratiae 72
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, Aphrodite, Charis, Charites/Gratiae
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Kübler, K., Zum Formwandel in der spätantiken attischen Tonplastik, JDI 67, 1952, 108 figs. 3–5.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: 1421 (1. Inv.)
ID: cffe5bc5a6b5468ea4858832cd46fd44
Name: 3705X001.jpg
Size: 46.96 kb
Dimensions: 507x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID3667, SMID3705
Description: intaglio, gem, Roman – Material: cornelian – Artist: unknown – Discovery: unknown – Description: Eros holding up a mirror to Aphrodite standing in the middle naked; she is leaning with her left arm on Priapos standing on a base. – Dimensions: 1 x 1,4 cm
Keywords: MID3667, SMID3705, Venus 367, intaglio, gem, Roman, cornelian, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 348, mirror, Aphrodite, Eros, Priapos
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID3667, SMID3705 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Venus 367
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: mirror, Aphrodite, Eros, Priapos
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: 348 (1. Inv.)
ID: 0cc5c616e9ed447086c8ad6aa607b0db
Name: 38498X001.jpg
Size: 48.86 kb
Dimensions: 562x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID36615, SMID38498
Description: crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica – Material: terracotta – Artist: Telos Painter – Dating: -400/-300 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Side A: Satyros on the left. Dionysos seated turns the head to the right looking at Ariadne who is seated beside him holding a tympanon in the left hand. Between them an altar (rechteckiger Block mit Standplatte, Abschlussprofil, Deckplatte). To the right of her a Satyros standing, embracing a mainad.#Side B: Three youths. – Dimensions: H: 34,4 cm
Keywords: MID36615, SMID38498, Dionysos 743, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Telos Painter, -400/-300, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 291, 279, altar, tympanon (tambourine), satyr, silen, maenad, altar: monolithic block, Ariadne, Dionysos
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID36615, SMID38498 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dionysos 743
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, tympanon (tambourine), satyr, silen, maenad, altar: monolithic block, Ariadne, Dionysos
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: CVA Copenhague: Musée National 8 III pl. 355 (358) 1a-b; pl. 356 (359) 1. ARV(2) 1425, 8.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: Chr VIII 291 (1. Inv.), 279 (2. Inv.)
ID: 225916147e8446ce8347596eb1d49863
Name: 5456X001.jpg
Size: 62.29 kb
Dimensions: 540x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID5364, SMID5456
Description: oscillum, relief, Italy – Material: marble – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/100 – Discovery: Pompei – Description: (A): Pan walking to the right: He carries a basket with fruit. In the lowered right hand an apple. He is approching an altar on which a fire is burning.#(B): Triton – Dimensions: D: 24,2 cm
Keywords: MID5364, SMID5456, Pan (S) 140, Tritones 33ad, oscillum, relief, Italy, marble, unknown, 0/100, Pompei, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 801, altar, fire (on altar), fruit, Triton, Pan
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID5364, SMID5456 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Pan (S) 140, Tritones 33ad
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, fire (on altar), fruit, Triton, Pan
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Guides to the National Museum, Greece, Italy and the Roman Empire (1968) 109
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: Chr VIII 801 (1. Inv.)
ID: cbd05523e4b74c6cb4400bc38b5bdfd0
Name: 55028X001.jpg
Size: 81.83 kb
Dimensions: 422x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID31525, SMID55028
Description: relief, relief, Italy – Material: bronze – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/100 – Discovery: Rome- Description (detail): Helios in quadriga. Above the Dioskouroi with their horses.
Keywords: MID31525, SMID55028, fronton, Dioskouroi/Castores 51, Helios/Sol 230, relief, Italy, bronze, unknown, 0/100, Rome- Description (detail): Helios in quadriga. Above the Dioskouroi with their horses., Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 4977, altar, base, ram, plough, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, pine cone, fir cone, Dioskouroi, Helios, Sabazios
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID31525, SMID55028 – SceneSide: fronton – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dioskouroi/Castores 51, Helios/Sol 230
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, base, ram, plough, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, pine cone, fir cone, Dioskouroi, Helios, Sabazios
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: 4977 (1. Inv.)
ID: 7f5af4846e4d478a97b7f00846b11894
Name: 55028X002.jpg
Size: 80.8 kb
Dimensions: 424x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID31525, SMID55028
Description: relief, relief, Italy – Material: bronze – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/100 – Discovery: Rome- Description (detail): Helios in quadriga. Above the Dioskouroi with their horses.
Keywords: MID31525, SMID55028, fronton, Dioskouroi/Castores 51, Helios/Sol 230, relief, Italy, bronze, unknown, 0/100, Rome- Description (detail): Helios in quadriga. Above the Dioskouroi with their horses., Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 4977, altar, base, ram, plough, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, pine cone, fir cone, Dioskouroi, Helios, Sabazios
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID31525, SMID55028 – SceneSide: fronton – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dioskouroi/Castores 51, Helios/Sol 230
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, base, ram, plough, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, pine cone, fir cone, Dioskouroi, Helios, Sabazios
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: 4977 (1. Inv.)
ID: c572790c119c4074bfe4ed63c5e2381a
Name: 55028X003.jpg
Size: 83.86 kb
Dimensions: 415x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID31525, SMID55028
Description: relief, relief, Italy – Material: bronze – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/100 – Discovery: Rome- Description (detail): Helios in quadriga. Above the Dioskouroi with their horses.
Keywords: MID31525, SMID55028, fronton, Dioskouroi/Castores 51, Helios/Sol 230, relief, Italy, bronze, unknown, 0/100, Rome- Description (detail): Helios in quadriga. Above the Dioskouroi with their horses., Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 4977, altar, base, ram, plough, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, pine cone, fir cone, Dioskouroi, Helios, Sabazios
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID31525, SMID55028 – SceneSide: fronton – LIMC/ThesCRA: Dioskouroi/Castores 51, Helios/Sol 230
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, base, ram, plough, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, pine cone, fir cone, Dioskouroi, Helios, Sabazios
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography:
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Inventory: 4977 (1. Inv.)
ID: 6228661f08ed42f8a28a216d96339e3b
Name: 12462X101.jpg
Size: 46.69 kb
Dimensions: 600x471 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID12169, SMID12462
Description: intaglio, gem, Roman – Material: cornelian – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/200 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Mousa leaning against a column behind her on wich a figure of Herakles is standing. She has a cithara in her left hand, tuning it with the right hand. The figure of Herakles rests his right hand on a club. – Dimensions: 1,3 cm x 1,6 cm
Keywords: MID12169, SMID12462, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 46, intaglio, gem, Roman, cornelian, unknown, 0/200, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 532, club, column, kithara, Herakles, Mousai
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID12169, SMID12462 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 46
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: club, column, kithara, Herakles, Mousa, Mousai
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Fossing, ThorvGems 115 n. 683 pl. 9.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, Inventory: I 532 (1. Inv.)
ID: f2ea73c83cd84e829d3e916c116808c7
Name: 12462X102.jpg
Size: 38.64 kb
Dimensions: 541x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID12169, SMID12462
Description: intaglio, gem, Roman – Material: cornelian – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/200 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Mousa leaning against a column behind her on wich a figure of Herakles is standing. She has a cithara in her left hand, tuning it with the right hand. The figure of Herakles rests his right hand on a club. – Dimensions: 1,3 cm x 1,6 cm
Keywords: MID12169, SMID12462, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 46, intaglio, gem, Roman, cornelian, unknown, 0/200, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 532, club, column, kithara, Herakles, Mousai
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID12169, SMID12462 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 46
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: club, column, kithara, Herakles, Mousa, Mousai
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Fossing, ThorvGems 115 n. 683 pl. 9.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, Inventory: I 532 (1. Inv.)
ID: 3a2e4467179a4cfcbeca1576852fbafb
Name: 1677X001.jpg
Size: 58.27 kb
Dimensions: 559x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID1765, SMID1677
Description: intaglio, gem, Roman – Material: glass(-paste) – Artist: unknown – Dating: 0/200 – Discovery: unknown – Description: Zeus standing to right before an altar on the ground. He has an eagle on his right hand, in his left hand a scepter. – Dimensions: 1,2 cm x 0,9 cm
Keywords: MID1765, SMID1677, Zeus/Iuppiter 107, intaglio, gem, Roman, glass(-paste), unknown, 0/200, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 88, altar, sceptre, Zeus
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID1765, SMID1677 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Zeus/Iuppiter 107
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: altar, sceptre, Zeus
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Fossing, ThorvGems 96 n. 541 pl. 7.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, Inventory: I 88 (1. Inv.)